By properpissed - 03/06/2014 15:36 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was talking to one of my British friends online, and he told me to say "yew anchors" a few times really fast. I'm a fairly stupid person, and wasn't very focused, so I did as he said. When I finally figured what the words meant, my dad had heard and grounded me for cursing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 435
You deserved it 10 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#7, I don't know how to say this in a way that doesn't sound sarcastic, but THANK YOU! that would have taken me ages to figure out by myself.

So is it pronounced you anchors because if so idk what the bad word is


Lol that sucks, I am pretty sure if you explain he would understand.

Lebeaugars95 20

I actually had a boss with that name! Why he didn't go by michael is beyond me. Lol.

Hugh Janus Tess Tickles I love Cape Horn Dean Gullberry Phil Mahooters

incoherentrmblr 21

I had a Sgt named Harry Cox. I can only imagine all the jokes he put up with!

Reminds me of some of Bart Simpsons' prank calls to moe the bartender. Amanda Hugginkiss Al Cohlic Oliver Klozoff I.P. Freely Jacques Strap Seymour Hutz Homer Sexual Bea O' Problem Ivana Tinkle Anita Bath Maya Buttreeks Ura Snotball Ollie Tabooger Ahmed Adoudi Maya Normusbutt Drew P. Wiener Yuri Nater Love those prank calls haha But on topic, if you try to explain how your friend asked you to say it fast your dad might understand it was unintentional.

Ben Dover Connor Rhea Jack Dupp Batman Bin Suparman

thelionsmane 3

So is it pronounced you anchors because if so idk what the bad word is

#7, I don't know how to say this in a way that doesn't sound sarcastic, but THANK YOU! that would have taken me ages to figure out by myself.

I'll say thank you to #6 since they're getting no love lol thank you #6

I think it is more of a swear word in places like Great Britain and Australia, and that is why some people don't recognize it/know what it means.

\ 28

All that truly ran through my head hearing this was "GET ON THE POINT, WANKA!"

Ok so I figured it out, but I didn't think that was an American curse word as well...I'm surprised OP's father considered it cursing. I mean, that's like me saying "bloody person", it doesn't mean as much in the U.S.

Wanker is nothing in the UK. It's about as much as calling someone a tosser. Pretty tame.

...What's a tosser? I know, I know! I'm sorry! I'm making this harder!

#57, Wanker is very much slang in Australia. Anyone who calls someone a wanker usually isn't that serious

a tosser is a jerk. But is pretty mild - not a swear word just an insult I think

TheyCallMeDamien 17

That's barely considered swearing. More like crass language.

incoherentrmblr 21

Apparently your English friend failed at the language that his country invented...

When you say it fast it sounds out you wankers lol. Wankers being kinda like saying "You *******!"

Seems pretty harmless, could have made you say a lot worse I'm sure! Anyway your father needs to relax a bit, explain it to him.

8313girl 28

Yeah I agree. The only way I see it being a big deal is if OP and her family are also British. I just can't see any American really getting upset about the word wanker.

It is in England. Then again, "crap" and even "crud" are swear words in England...

since when has crap or crud been a swear word in the uk? Even saying '****' doesn't really offend many people here anymore

Wow grounded for saying you wankers? That's not even that bad lol

I'm afraid to know what the father would do if he were to use the word "****."

jack_jill05 14

depends how old OP is, some parents hate cursing, no matter the age