By Anonymous - 28/09/2011 21:52 - United States

Today, the boy I like came to my house with a dozen roses to ask me to homecoming. My uncle chased him down the street with a pitchfork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 834
You deserved it 2 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments


enonymous 8

Do the Pennsylvania amish use FML now? I really don't want to imagine anyone else with a pitchfork... Unless that boy is frankenstein Raisin barns by 4am posting FMLs at midnight with the sweetest beard on that side of the Mississippi

I thought there had been shumthing 'amish' in thish FML.

If not Amish possibly very orthodox christian. Lol most likely the boy probably looked like he worships Satan.

perhaps he left his torch all the way in the garage and didn't want to go get it

enonymous 8

52 - Prove it. Last I checked they had Rumspringa too

enonymous 8

56 - Oh so you go hang out with this chick? Sweet deal I'm really glad we had this talk especially when you didn't read the part that said I don't want to imagine anyone else with a pitchfork

tjv3 10


I'm pretty sure Rumspringa is the one time in an Amish person's life that their Uncle would not be around to wield said pitchfork, though...

unicornunit 0

sounds like ur uncle used to be in a lynch mob

id kill my uncle. maybe chase him with a pitchfork =D im sorry.

Unless Pennsylvania is a city in Kansas, I don't think so.

RA661 8

Whoa -.- I'm gonna pay attention next time. I promise!

bernie138456 0

Lol people don't do that in Kansas. You must be thinking about Georgia.

therampages442 0

haha it clearly says Pennslyvia. you should post this as an FML

schealey 0

"Just 12?! Next time bring 24 then maybe I'll give you a chance bitch!" was probably what was going through his mind.

You know how it is, there are many creeps in our society today but due to the amount of harassment and abuse girls can get today it brings a disapproving image on the good, male teenagers out there.. Sorry about that hope he still chose you to come.

I'm guessing your uncle is a big fan of joining angry mobs. I don't know anyone who just keeps a pitchfork with them on hand.

Glockinator 2

Was that your uncle in the American gothic painting!? He's famous. He can chase whoever.

G6chick 0

U know ur a redneck when ur uncle has a pitchfork to even chase ur crush with down the street