By lp525252 - 20/03/2013 10:59 - Australia - Miranda

Today, a guy left flowers on my doorstep. I got home to find my dad claiming he bought them for my mum. I told my parents they were mine, they laughed in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 871
You deserved it 3 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, least you know someone likes you! But surely he should have left a card in the flowers to prove they're yours? Asshole father though!

NickaPLZ 26

Get the guy who bought them to bring the receipt. Prove them wrong and then laugh at them instead.


Time to put the petal to the metal. Yes, i know that made no sense.

This joke probably sounded better in your head, didn't it? :)

HowAreYouToday 34

On a side note, I find that the 1st comment usually gets either a bunch of haters or a completely new thread that has nothing to do with anything.

#15, he isn't even #1 anyways, technically. He's poster #2.

perdix 29

#2, maybe "petal to the meddle" could be considered whimsically amusing.

^#2 is actually the 2nd commenter. Therefore, there was even a worse one before this one. Oh, the possibilities! OP, your dad sounds like a prick for taking credit for something nice he didn't do. And your mom is just as horrible for laughing at you. When your guy comes around, have him mention the flowers he got you. Such as, "Did you like the bouquet of flowers I left for you? I was told they are your favorite color."

#14, No, it sounded just as retarded in my head actually, and i accept my dislikes accordingly.

WhatsGoodBro 12

I don't think they did. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that their dad gave them to the mom.

#3, you're right. It's the thought that counts.

bybib 20

Actually it appears that the dad gave them to their mom. Might want to re-read the fml.

I think what #3 meant is that at least someone likes OP enough to give them flowers in the first place. They'll probably be in a vase in the front room or hall etc anyway, so she can still get to see them and know that they were meant for her.

bamagrl410 31

11 & 23, YOU might want to re-read the FML. the flowers were for OP but the dad took them to make it look like he did something nice for the mother.

WhatsGoodBro 12

44 that's what I was saying. I guess I should have been clearer.

Hey, least you know someone likes you! But surely he should have left a card in the flowers to prove they're yours? Asshole father though!

crazytwinsmom 25

The dad undoubtedly tossed the card out, if there was one.

NickaPLZ 26

Get the guy who bought them to bring the receipt. Prove them wrong and then laugh at them instead.

upallnight11 19

Parents can be so mean sometimes.

Tell your dad that you will play along, for a price...

If the parents laughed at the idea of OP getting flowers I don't think there's anything to play along with.

perdix 29

Get grandma to take you to the gym. You can hook up with one of her rejects.