By And you think I'M crazy? - 22/04/2013 05:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I got into an argument. Naturally, I drove over to my best friend's house for comfort. My boyfriend saw me driving past his house and promptly broke up with me for being "a psycho stalker." She lives across the street from him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 081
You deserved it 6 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, your boyfriend is crazy and you're lucky to be rid of him

Sounds like he's kind of a dick anyway. You're better off on your own than with someone like him


OP, your boyfriend is crazy and you're lucky to be rid of him

Sometimes people want to make a fuss over the smallest things.

twaumat 28

at times I think guys are the biggest morons in the world. but then again we don't know both sides of the story.

Although she only drove past his house one time, I feel like going to her friends house for "comfort" was also for the bonus that he lives right across the street...

iammeorami 25

#58 You're a guy, I'm a guy, so you saying we both morons ?

@58 *some guys, there I fixed it, you're welcome! :)

He breaks up with you because he saw you drive past his house ONCE?! That's retarded. You better not be that "but I'm madly in love with him" type of girl.

You really didn't read this through, did you?

Nothing worse than a girl who loves her boyfriend.

Yeah that's my fault. I got called in just as this page loaded...which takes forever out here

xxmollyxx... Sarcasm, right? Just checking.

Sounds like he's kind of a dick anyway. You're better off on your own than with someone like him

I think he wanted to break up with her and was just looking for an excuse so it wasn't for no reason.

Okay. That had literally nothing to do with what I said, but thank you for your insight.

What a winner. Think you've had a lucky escape there!

call HIM a phsyco stalker for moving across the street from YOUR best friend. yeah.

tj5810 21

Sounds like maybe he's the psycho. You may have dodged a bullet with that one, OP.

Aside from the fact that he sounds crazy and you're probably better off without him, when you have an argument with someone, whether it be a friend, partner or someone else, I find it the most effective when you talk to the person who was actually involved in the argument. Sure, you can ask other people for advice, but if you want the argument to be solved and to feel happy as soon as possible again, nothing's going to change before you talk to the person you argued with. Usually it isn't anyone else's business anyway. Communication is very important in every relationship.

xStaciexLynnx 15

In my experience, friends very rarely give the honest opinion and usually just try to sympathize with you when you're upset. Even if they do give an honest opinion its usually twisted because you've only given your side of the story.

Maybe you should ask for more honesty. My friends and sister are brutally honest with ne when i ask for advice; i try to give both sides of the fight, but even if im biased towards my side, if they diaagree, they tell me.

I totally agree #7 The other thing is if you are always running to your friends & slamming your spouse eventually it's going to affect the way they see him/her

@ 15 Yes I know, and that is why it can also be a good idea to wait/stay in silence for a while after you have argued with someone. That way you have (both) calmed down and can (hopefully) solve everything by talking to each other, without getting anybody else involved.

But apparently he didn't want to talk because he went crazy went she drove by

But apparently he didn't want to talk because he went crazy went she drove by

Yup, sounds like he's a stupid dick and you're probably better off.