By Well, crap - 18/06/2013 15:02 - Denmark - Kongerslev

Today, I attempted to ask a girl out by doing a flash mob and singing for her in the store where she works. Turns out, she suffers from anxiety and the overwhelming amount of attention caused a panic attack. No, I didn't get a date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 353
You deserved it 22 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

debbster7 18

Why go all out when something as simple as you saying "will you go out with me?" would work? Save that shit for marriage proposals.

Well, maybe try to tone down the extravagant gestures towards people you don't know very well yet? I hope she appreciated the effort, though....


evilraider 5

You tried to sweep her off her feet

debbster7 18

Why go all out when something as simple as you saying "will you go out with me?" would work? Save that shit for marriage proposals.

drjohnnyboy 15

If he wanted to do it, then whatever happens would be on him

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I wouldn't have expected her to have a panic attack if I were OP, but I'd surely be embarrassed if she said no in front of everyone.

There's nothing more admirable than a man whose spontaneous, romantic, and isn't scared of expressing his love. OP had a fantastic idea by doing this, he just didn't know the girl would have a panic attack.

A man should be very scared of expressing his love when he hasn't even been on a date with the girl yet. That's restraining order shit right there.

Hey at least you tried! Even if you failed...

Yeah, but if he does that just to ask a girl out, think about what the marriage proposal will be!

That was sweet, too bad you didn't know.

Guess she's not a big fan of the "it's the thought that counts" mindset...

Well, maybe try to tone down the extravagant gestures towards people you don't know very well yet? I hope she appreciated the effort, though....

RedPillSucks 31
olpally 32

Very cool, but over kill just for a first date, just be yourself next time.

olpally 32

This stunt is usually used for marriage proposals, I've seen a lot of flash mob proposals on youtube. not just for a simple date. At least it was creative though.

Wizardo 33

Next time just approach her by yourself and ask her out normally, classic ways are normally the best bro.

And? It's not really a bad thing :P

Wizardo 33

#50, if you have an iddue with that then I suggest you take it up with the FML council or something. Problem?

RedPillSucks 31
Wizardo 33

Issue*, what can I say my fingers are too fast for my phone sadly...

Well, you certainly took her breath away.

moonsalt 20

Well, there was really no way of knowing. At least you gave it a shot.