By Anonymous - 06/07/2013 16:13 - Lithuania - Vilnius

Today, I poured my heart out to my now ex-girlfriend over the recent passing away of my grandmother. Her eyes glazed over multiple times, and when I said that I don't know how to cope with everything, her advice was simply, "Shotgun. Mouth. Blam." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 309
You deserved it 5 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kozmotis 8

At least you had the brains to dump her. You deserve better than that horrible woman. Sorry for the loss of your grandmother. :(

You should say Hand. Door. Out. I'm really sorry OP, she is insensitive. You deserve better. You dodged a grenade!


Kozmotis 8

At least you had the brains to dump her. You deserve better than that horrible woman. Sorry for the loss of your grandmother. :(

then000bster 16

If he followed her advice he wouldn't have brains, literally.

11, sometimes sarcasm does not work here.. Definitely not right now.

#11 so you're saying that if he had put a shotgun in his mouth and killed himself, he wouldn't have the brains to dump his ex-girlfriend? Wow well thank you Captain Obvious. I had no idea..

You should say Hand. Door. Out. I'm really sorry OP, she is insensitive. You deserve better. You dodged a grenade!

I'm pretty well known amongst my friends for being the dick of the group, but even I wouldn't make a comment like that. That's like a whole higher level of insensitivity.

Horse tranquilizer, Saran Wrap, industrial grade plastic sheets, cold metal table, many sharp instruments, a bone saw, a microscope slide, rubber boots and apron, garbage bags, a boat, and a copy of season 1 of Dexter. Blam! Problem solved.

ZombieInConverse 13

Asshole. Go get yourself a better girlfriend. Nobody deserves that.

op I wouldn't listen to someone who is clearly off her rocker .. keep ur head up life us hard people we love die its a part of life remember the good times and let her rest. she's the lucky one u know the one who doesn't have to suffer feel no pain or heart ache any more take it one day at a time and just keep on keeping on cause I'm sure that's what ur grandmother would want

ryanmanning 3

If you took the time to correctly use apostrophes and write every other word out, why not just write "you" or "your"

MzZombicidal 36

#4, please use punctuation next time. I enjoyed this comment very much, it was just difficult to read and I feel that took away from the sincerity of it.

Shameful how some people are so self centered that they can't relate on a basic emotional level. Sorry for the loss of your grandmother, glad you were able to cut the inconsiderate wench loose. You deserve better.

kewpiesuicide 29

She could have Aspergers. In which case she's not self centered, she's socially retarded.

You know, it's getting much too easy to blame ass behavior on the Autism Spectrum. Face it, some people are just self centered, inconsiderate twats.

@87 1. I'm pretty sure there'd be other signs if she had Aspergers/Autism 2. Even Sheldon Cooper and Sherlock Holmes have more tact than that 3. There's a big difference between being a bit insensitive or inconsiderate and what OP's girlfriend said/did 4. People with Aspergers actually are often more intelligent than most people so using the term retarded is kind of ironic

sexyboi1985 27

You response should have been, "Whose mouth? Yours?" ******* twat.

Sorry for your loss, but even if she is your ex, it takes a somewhat cruel person to suggest suicide to cope with a death. She sounds like a real charmer.

OP said "now ex-girlfriend" implying that she was still his girlfriend when she made the comment.

k_lylepad 19