By Anonymous - 06/04/2014 21:07 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, while on a first date, I had to excuse myself to the restroom. I was still tired from pulling an all-nighter, and fell asleep on the toilet. When I woke up and rushed back out, my date was gone. Everyone now thinks I'm an arsehole who pulled the old "window escape" trick on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 816
You deserved it 13 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone who is irrelevant except her. Go chase after her and offer to pay her back. You might still get a second date.

XxXBadAshXxX 27

Aw man! Sad day. I'm sure you can explain what happened and she'll forgive you.


Everyone who is irrelevant except her. Go chase after her and offer to pay her back. You might still get a second date.

Be honest too when explaining what went down in the toilet.

lexi365 20

And buy her chocolate. Couldn't hurt.

Been taking notes from the big bang theory have ya?

rocker_chick23 27

Sorry #18, not everyone is a wh*re like you claim to be on other comments. The majority of men and women want to remain STD free and only get intimate after knowing each other for a while.

Who the hell falls asleep on the toilet while on a date though? Who falls asleep on the toilet, period. Good luck trying to explain that one.

Yeah, the "I fell asleep on the crapper" line is a shoe-in second date. OP, just check this into the loss column and move on. On the bright side, you got published on FML! Congrats!

Yeah, no matter what you owe her an explanation. Even if it was an accident, it's really rude and mean. It doesn't matter too much if she believes you and it's fine if she doesn't. It's not something to get agree about(and no one has a right to be agree with her if she doesn't forgive or believe or anything). Hopefully your intent will come across in your tone.

XxXBadAshXxX 27

Aw man! Sad day. I'm sure you can explain what happened and she'll forgive you.

Yep, there's no escape out of that nickname.

It's lo-og, it's lo-og! It's big, it's heavy, it's wood! It's lo-og, it's lo-og! It's better than bad, it's good!

54, are you familiar with the concept of puns?

Why are you getting down voted for Ren and Stimpy? Love the log song!! What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, and over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack, And fits on your back? It's log, log, log

blueboy154 12

Just explain it to her. Good luck

martin8337 35

Maybe she'll give you another chance.

Everyone knows the "window escape" is antiquated and rarely works anymore. The /real/ escape artists shimmy through the sewer pipes. It's usually flawless.

Well there are some risks associated with this particular escape: drowning, cuts, infection, getting stuck, and getting lost in the maze of pipes. The worst part about the "sewer escape" is the dry-cleaning you'll need. Ugh.

Or you can finish the damn date. XD (I know you were being sarcastic)

StillUsesMyspace 22

Way to be a quitter 60. Real men accept the challenge of escaping their dates.

I'm sure she'll understand if you simply tell her what happened. The best of us fall asleep at unfortunate times.

saucyrossi 18

*Incoming unoriginal shitty situation comments

Well that's a- rather unfortunate situation op you should reach out, pay her back, and explain the situation hopefully she'll understand

If you were THAT tired… why wouldn't you just reschedule?

because sometimes it looks worse to reschedule and im sure OP didnt want to dissapoint her and was probally looking forward to it himself aswell

olpally 32

That's awful op. :/ try again when you're less tired.