By Nick - 10/05/2011 07:37 - Philippines

Today, I laughed at a joke and it literally took me a minute to realize that it was me they were making fun of. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 489
You deserved it 21 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

They weren't laughing with you, they were laughing at you.

mintcar 9

By laughing you probably fooled them into thinking that the joke didn't bother you much.


iAmScrubs 19

They weren't laughing with you, they were laughing at you.

Joke with them next time. Build your confidence, accept who you are and what they found funny about it- Nothing kills a bully's buzz like not getting a victim's reaction. If what they were saying bothers you about yourself, work over time to change it, and move on.

i cba to read what u just Said but, i totally agree.

well it's good to be able to laugh at yourself once in a while

c8750 2
ImaWiseGuy 5

I would say op was the joke...^

CommonSenseKarma 17

What... like, his floppy ears? No one ever makes fun of my ears, they can be pretty erect when they're aroused... by noise.

they were probably joking about a stupid thing op did.

KennKenn 0

Wow, I'm from the same country as OP. Hope I see you to find out the joke.

mintcar 9

By laughing you probably fooled them into thinking that the joke didn't bother you much.

Brandnewuser 0

agreed! guess it's better to laugh then have an awkward moment...

SpectSelf 0

that's good. your not in denial.

EvilHippyEmperor 0

If it was a good joke then taking it with good grace and laughing it off will at least make you look like a good sport.

paradiseisland01 0

by laughing they have no idea that you didn't understand that the joke was about you . So really no one is the wiser.

Well laugh and the whole world laughs with you. However, if you reacted like "HAHAHA... HEY!" then they see you as a dumbass.

dudeitsdanny 9

^Couldn't have said it better. If you didn't give away your slowness, they'll probably think better of you now: The guy who can seemingly take a joke and laugh at himself gets more respect than the herpyderp one who, as posted above, has a "HAHAHAHAH-... HEY!!!11oneeleventy" moment.

Well, now we know why they were making fun of you in the first place.

that's a bit mean but I had a lol moment all the same. ha ha!