You wanker
By Jeremy - 10/05/2009 01:04 - United States

By Jeremy - 10/05/2009 01:04 - United States
By fuck - 22/01/2020 14:00 - Canada - Airdrie
By trainE - 30/03/2009 02:08 - United States
By Cynical - 30/03/2009 03:49 - United States
By Grossedouttt - 04/07/2009 04:18 - United States
By fappy dog - 23/01/2014 21:06 - United States - Granite City
By coral - 08/07/2009 17:51 - United States
By GoldenTornado11 - 10/05/2017 14:00
By Garfield - 21/01/2016 04:41 - Canada - Toronto
By PCJJacket - 05/05/2014 17:30 - United States - Los Angeles
By Anonymous - 28/08/2024 20:00 - United States - Plano
This just in: Locks were around since before the dark ages. OP should investigate further
OH GOD I hate how parents have absolutely no respect for privacy that way x(. ESPECIALLY when guests are involved and they want to show off something. That's just sooo unfortunate...eww. FYL, and I would imagine those guests were REALLY embarrassed as well. :( And you should have locked your door. Unless your door doesn't have a lock, like mine doesn't. In that case, look into getting one.
I second this. my door doesn't have a lock so I make a habit of listening fir footsteps. although it shouldve been preety obvious they were coming =P
They weren't the only ones cumming
That's kind of saw someone then bolted to your room? and 1 and 2, not everyone has locks on doors.
He probably didn't think that his parents would show the guests HIS room. Why would they show their son's room to guests at a party anyways?
Kind of why some girls are afraid to go anywhere. No matter what there's always some way to be creeped on.
wouldn't you hear 11 people and a dog walking to your room? or is your house like super sound proof?
When guys get like that, especially near the end, they don't exactly pay attention to their surroundings. :P
**** off with your 'fake' man! (Number 1) Other than that at: OP, HOW OLD ARE YOU? You can't restrain yourself for a couple of hours? And kind of stupid not to close your door! But, the situation sucks so bad (Your Mother..10 PARTYGUESTS?.. YOU DOG?! saw you **********..) well, a very little small FML for you, then.
it was closed the dog opened the door can't you read?
Uh. It's called a lock. Or biding your time. I feel worse for the guests. They probably felt violated.
Actually they wouldn't know he was masturbating to them, they would just think oh well he's a pubescent teenager and cringe.
So... did you finish?
hahahahaha nice lol
Hahahahahahahhahaha. I love this comment.
Fired shots in the crowd
FAKE i was at that party. it was a cat, not a dog.
I don't have a lock on my door. You're screwed until you moved out. No privacy
not everybody has a lock. but i hate my parents when guests are over they want to show off EVERYTHING......... but that had to have been awkward for the rest of the night
Try the rest of his life
This just in: Locks were around since before the dark ages. OP should investigate further
That's kind of saw someone then bolted to your room? and 1 and 2, not everyone has locks on doors.