Kids will be kids

By littlebigbrother - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Japan

Today, we got a call that my brother stuck a rock up his nose and couldn't get it out. My mom had to pick him up and take him to the hospital. My brother is 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 007
You deserved it 2 218

Top comments

My brother still tries to save his farts & he's also 20 . boys are weird .


My brother still tries to save his farts & he's also 20 . boys are weird .

It's cause boys take everything as a challenge haha

p3mguin 7

You won't see any girl do that

Hey if it wasn't for us guys you girls wouldnt have entertainment. We do stupid stuff to make girls smile.

1- I'd rather not be grouped with OP's moronic sibling. Also, I know a few girls who can be the exact same way.

33- obviously, you've never seen 1000 ways to die. A woman died trying to outdo a couple of guys in a fart contest. She stuck a empty whipped cream can up her ass too put some air up there, and ended up killing herself. There's some kind of gas inside of those containers. But that's irrelevant. Funny, but irrelevant.

MerrikBarbarian 9

63- women do some stupid things, but if you look at the ratio of male to female winners of Darwin awards... Men are far more likely to remove themselves from the gene pool... Far too often with the fatal last words "hey guys! Check this out!"

Devin91 20

Shit happens. Your brother will grow up sooner or later.

Devin91 20

No but people eventually start to mature

Awes0meperson 10
snator 0

Yes, he shall go very far in life...

But he will have to cross many rocks before he reaches his destination.

MerrikBarbarian 9

Sounds like a candidate for presidency. He can't be any worse then the current contenders. :p

GingerPanda94 6
nofearjenshere 12

So number 5 beat himself/herself to it?

If I could thumb up a million times I would.

5 beat him/herself? That's just inappropriate. Keep it in the bathroom/bedroom, guys.

KiddNYC1O 20

Tell him your meant to use a pea not a rock!

hallkchallkc 4

He meant to use a rock... He just forgot to crush his cocaine before sniffing it.

He was just trying to sniff some rock to get stoned. ...ehhh, ehhh? ;)

Well your brother is just dumb OP nothing else to say.

missalice0306 19

That's an odd way to get stoned

That's an odd way of saying something 200 other people before you have said.