By Anonymous - 13/05/2013 05:02 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was visiting, and while in the bathroom, she clogged the toilet. Since there was no plunger in the room, she unclogged it with the only thing she could find: my mother's hairbrush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 021
You deserved it 5 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure if this is a hairy situation or a shitty one....

dinosxxrawr 22

I'm amazed she successfully unclogged a toilet with a hairbrush. cool points for her.


Someone won't be getting the seal of approval....

Roskosity 22

Yea at least OP knows what present he's going to buy his mother now.

I'm not sure if this is a hairy situation or a shitty one....

That's the first time I see a coment here with these two words that got thumbs up.

CammyGal 26

Well, would you rather have a ruined hairbrush or a flooded bathroom?

You wouldn't necessarily have flooded the bathroom - the water may just have stayed high for some time. I think my toilet can hold two flushes. Would you really have continued flushing if you saw the water getting close to the top of the toilet?

dinosxxrawr 22

I'm amazed she successfully unclogged a toilet with a hairbrush. cool points for her.

YDI, dude spend $5 and get a plunger.

OP may have a plunger but his girlfriend never asked to use it probably out of embarrassment.

" the room" that implies he has one in a different room.

That does not imply that there is one period. I mean where else would a plunger be, the living room?

It could be in another bathroom, some houses have more than one.

And that is why a plunger should be kept in every bathroom. People are often too embarrassed to ask for one. It was either the brush or her hands. Which would you prefer?

Pyro_Wolf 17

31- My family keeps the plunger in the garage..

I also keep my plunger in the garage. Why look at that ugly thing daily, when it's not needed?

And why leave it in the garage? By the time you run to grab it... Bye-bye bathroom floor..

You can get ones that have little cover up stands they sit in. Then you don't have to look at it but it is near by if needed.

Ooh so close #9, but I'm afraid somebody already made this comment. But thank you for playing, we have some lovely consolation prizes for you backstage.

Everyone's mentioning the dead cat!

Well, happy freakin mothers day to her I guess

Props to ur girl for being resourseful. Mabey she used the hairbrush because its worked before... O.O

it must have been a dead cat in toilet

Here comes jjmiller in third place. I'm sorry to tell you this but you're time here is done, please pack your things and see yourself to the door.