By -_- - 28/07/2013 22:58 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I did a photoshoot with my boyfriend and his buddy. We drove out to the countryside and set up on top of a hill. My boyfriend kept having me move further and further back. I eventually fell and rolled down the steep hill, while he and his buddy high-fived each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 771
You deserved it 7 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If only there was a button you could click to say the same thing!!!! And, actually, it's ****** down since that's where she went....

Wowxoxo 17

Of course it is... that's why there's an FML about it. Those two probably put extensive planning into that gag

I'm not one to automatically say 'dump him' but the high five proves he was trying to make her fall down the steep hill which is extremely dangerous if she hit her head or something. So, I really would rethink the relationship if it were me.

How? It's not like there was a giant hole of death at the bottom of the other hill. It's a funny and a safe prank

In my opinion there are a lot of determining factors here. How steep is steep? How far did OP fall? Grassy hill or rocky? I mean, for all we know OP could have been perfectly safe falling down the hill. In which case it was a somewhat funny, slightly mean joke, which doesn't deserve an instant "dump him" call. However, if it was a dangerous fall, which honestly I'm going to assume it wasn't, then I could understand OP dumping her boyfriend.

Everyone needs to get off their high horse, it was a joke, get over it. By the sounds of it, most of you would be awful girlfriends, no fun at all

70 By the sounds of it. You're an ass!

Not only that, but he also high-fived his friend like the shit was cool. He most really have feelings for you.

ise3 10

70 it really does depend on whether OP could have been seriously injured. People have died rolling down hills.

Clearly, since he achieved what he set out to do. But don't get too excited with your catch, OP. He's also an asshole. I wonder why seeing his girlfriend fall off a cliff-like structure was a cause of such amusement to him?

It's mean, but I have to admit that I would have trouble not laughing if I were there.

ApollosMyth 22

As long as she wasn't injured I'd probably laugh too. Then again, most girls I hang out with are violent people and would do the same to me.

I'm not there and I'm laughing. This is totally something I'd do.

flashback.miss 28

find a patch of thorny rosebushes and push them in.

"Hey guys, come stand next to this thornbush. I won't pish you in, i promise." It's foolproof

Cusefan5 6

Maybe if you break up with him he will roll down on the floor and start crying

That's when she should pull out the camera equipment with her boyfriend's buddy, take a picture, and then the two should high five. Cold, but effective. You'll get him back good with evidence of the whole thing.

Damian95 16

#43 you're a future contract killer.

Well, doesn't he sound like a keeper!

I hope you high fived him. In the face. With a chair.

SystemofaBlink41 27

That's how all high fives go, right? Well, gotta go see my friend! Hospital says it's visiting hours!

Add an extra leg to that chair to make it legit

Were you shooting reenactments of nursery rhymes? Did you fall down and break your crown or just come tumbling after? I hope, at the bottom of the hill, you leaped up and shouted up at the laughing idiots that that's how you roll!!

TheCaramelKing 11

Maybe reenactments of the classic "Jack and Jill went up the hill to have a little fun, stupid Jill forgot the pill and now they have a son."