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By Elisa_LmR - 03/01/2014 23:28 - France

Today, like every other day for many years, I have a phobia of bananas. This evening, the phobia came to a head when I had a nightmare in which I was stabbed to death by a gang of walking bananas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 549
You deserved it 8 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rockne93 17

Orange you glad you aren't afraid of bananas, guys?

You must peel very bad... (I'm so sorry I have to)


rockne93 17

Orange you glad you aren't afraid of bananas, guys?

Strange phobia. I'm guessing that it is from a childhood experience.

Orange you glad we didn't thumbs down that bad pun?

#13 I can imagine that in my head right now. OP: Steve! Stop feeding me your banana!

rockne93 17

#18 Calm down there buddy. If you want to talk shit, go to the toilet store.

It would suck if your boyfriend had a curved dick.

Redoxx_fml 22

Where's you get these puns the toilet store?

Well he isn't alone! Pythagoras had a fear of beans AND lived in Greece. Could you imagine how rough that would be for him? Everyone has a phobia strange or not.

stewpididiot 11

At first I thought it said 'wanking bananas' !!!

Sinistra_Blue 12

Pythagoras had a fear of beans? I thought he was just afraid of theorems. *Ba dum tis*

Am I the only one who got 49's reference?

Nope, and it's actually kind of funny but hey, he was being a dick.

incoherentrmblr 21

God forbid your bf uses a banana flavored condom on his curved member...

You must peel very bad... (I'm so sorry I have to)

\ 28

Banana Terracotta Pie, anyone?

What did the banana say to the vibrator? "Why are you shaking? It's me she's going to eat."

\ 28

I assume not many here got the System of a Down reference...

I did. ...and now I can't get the song out of my head

JocelynKaulitz 28

Make like a banana and split.

A System of a Down reference down voted.. And a shitty pop song reference gets up voted? Yep. The world has officially gone to shit.

squideth 18

138 shut up you pretentious ****.

Take revenge! Make a massive banana smoothie and make evil giggles while slurping it down.

stephhrunsaway 21

That hilarious moment when my sis almost chokes to death on her peanut butter and banana sandwich after I read her this FML.

Redoxx_fml 22

Wasn't this on an episode of courage the cowardly dog?

There was a show I watched as a toddler "Bananas in Pajamas" That was some freaky shit man.

#4 that's exactly what I thought of reading this.

Eternal94 10

Is that the tv show about two bananas that name banana A and banana B ?

I can't believe no one has mentioned the minions! ):

This isn't a phobia at all.. Bananas are ******* terrifying.

Brazilian gangs in a nutshell. They be ghetto blasting the Chiquita Banana jingle all over the favellas.

Bananas are okay... I fear banana slicers much more o_o

TyT63 12

you came to the wrong bananahood mother ******

Your joke is bad and you should feel bad!

emirie 21

I guess you could say OP was going bananas ;)

Thank god no one has made that joke on this thread. Oh, wait..

Damn. Thought I'd get to that joke before anyone else. Better luck next time, I guess!

Don't feel bad, I still have nightmares of bananas in pajamas

slappygecko 21

Pizza pizza momizza, bananafanaboCANNIBALISM