Roommates from hell

By why me? - 11/03/2014 07:21 - United States - Huntington Park

Today, I came home from a long day from work, only to find a strange woman in my apartment. She explained that my roommate told her it was OK to spend a few days here. I guess he forgot that the room was mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 740
You deserved it 3 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't have to tolerate that shit, just talk to your roommate about.

Tell your roomate that decisions that involve your place shouldn't be made without you. Even if this person staying there is nice and all, a little respect goes a long way.


Why would people comment saying first if they know theyre going to get downvoted anyways?

Then the land lord came and said her roommate left...40 YEARS AGO DUN DUN DUUN

#19 I think he's trying to imply that the lady in question is a ghost who died in the apartment 40 years ago. I could be wrong though.

WD_Stevens 22

That is what he was implying. He got something wrong and it ended up very confusing. Close to a good comment though

Well OP now you guys can be friends I hope.

Or you can be lovers... another good **** plot...

REALAfroninga 11

I heard the plumbing needs fixed. *cue cheesy porno music*

EphMi 5

you roommate arranged for a woman to be in your room, what more do you want?

He got you something. How nice of him :-)

You don't have to tolerate that shit, just talk to your roommate about.

Llama_Face89 33

I want to like your comment but I can't in good conscience change it from 69...

how are people down voting this? no sense of humor these days..

Tell your roomate that decisions that involve your place shouldn't be made without you. Even if this person staying there is nice and all, a little respect goes a long way.

I couldn't help but read this in Morgan Freeman's voice lol

I think everyone reads his comments in Morgan Freeman's voice.

Weird_situations 13

Who else read the comment in a Morgan Freeman voice?

as pointed earlier... it's thought to be everyone

MAD01502 20

This strange woman might make a good candidate

Put a sign on your door, "Ass or grass, nobody sleeps in here for free." Your problem will be solved one way or another.