By please stop singing!!!! - 21/03/2014 23:59 - United States - Windermere

Today, I got to spend 4 hours on a bus with a group of selfie-taking teenagers who spent the majority of the time trying to harmonize while singing various songs. I'm pretty sure half of them were tone deaf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 333
You deserved it 4 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And That.. Is why you should always have a role of ducktape in your handbag =D


I'm sorry you had to hear that, but singing is fun so I understand them too. Eventhough they shouldn't bother people like that especially if it's as bad as you say.

And That.. Is why you should always have a role of ducktape in your handbag =D

ThomasBombadil 31

This is very similar to the final test of becoming a Jedi. How did you do OP?

#10 i don't see how this FML requires a grace period...?

It's a reference to that awful song about taking selfies," but first,let me take a selfie!" Is one of the lyrics

Nathan_h24 17

I fail to see how one's generation determines vocal ability.

Oh yes, 5, our generation is TERRIBLE. The number of people graduating Highschool has significantly increased, teenage pregnancy has lowered tremendously, and racism isn't as strong as it was in past generations but a group of TEENAGED girls singing and taking "Selfies" ruins our generation. Just because you aren't into what other people of this generation are into does NOT make you any better than anyone else. Let them be annoying and "ruin" our generation because I'd rather have annoying people in our generation than doped out teens who do not care if they live to see tomorrow. Sorry for the rant but it really upsets me when people look down on this generation due to teenagers being teenagers -_-

dyehardxen 19

How do you know that everyone that visits this site are part if your generation?

#49 is raging at #23's decent comment

You should have just joined in. Creepy strangers either act as encouragement, or a serious deterrent to teenage fun. And the more you "help" the more likely it is they'll relocate away from you. Next time, keep that in mind, k? Actually, maybe never mind that. There are soo many ways this could go wrong haha

I could see police involvement if OP tried to join in...

Since when can you get the cops called on you for singing?

OP, if you didn't have headphones there are a lot of things you could've done. Sing worse than them, off time, mess up the lyrics. You can sing songs you like, and mess with their ability to sing. You can obliviously take their pictures and record their singing. Or any combination of the above and they'll probably stop. And I really don't see how the police would get involved if the OP had joined in.

jazzy_123 20

24, probably the time when everyone's ears start bleeding lol

That's the main reason why I NEVER go out without my headphones. Headphones on, World off.

There's a guy a couple of FMLs back who should have given you his joint.

Yea, that guy is actually a girl... Awkward!

The other day I refused to leave for college until my iPod charged. Bus journeys with no music is torture.

They are definitely a must for tuning out any number of annoyances you come across on public transit...