By disappointed - 25/03/2014 11:36 - United States - West Fargo

Today, I finally finished watching Dexter. I was more disappointed by the finale than the picture I later received of my girlfriend cheating on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 995
You deserved it 5 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you have your priorities straight..

If you REALLY want to get over her, watch the Heroes finale and Lost finale; you won't have time to think about her after that.


At least you have your priorities straight..

friedpwnadge 25

Girlfriends are temporary, Dexter is forever. Or at least until the season finale.

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Why would you put a spoiler as a comment? Let alone one in reply to the FIRST comment?!

#1 is right forget the bitch go out, get a drink, hook up with some girls and have fun

Just for all the disappointed people #20 is wrong

falon142012 22

20, I looked away when I saw the words "spoiler alert" and thumbed you down through my squinted eyes.

RenoTheRhino 30

20, you could've warned everyone of your spoiler, skipped a few damn margins, and then said what you said. I'm only on season 2..shit.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22


maggiefox 25

Obviously she wasn't worth it so... Dexter all the way!

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I'll take a wild guess here and say OP's girlfriend cheating on him.

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A) Unlikely OP will post a follow-up on this FML. B) Even less likely that he would gives you details on how she cheated on him to you and everyone else here even if he did post a follow-up. So I don't really see the point in your question apart from maybe to show that you're horny for revenge **** or something?

how one picture can describe that she cheated him. kindly you tell me.

Maybe it's a picture of her doing some kind of action with a male that is not her boyfriend. A picture of some text messages between the girl and someone else where she admits she had cheated.

25- It depends on OP's definition of cheating. Maybe it's a picture a friend or someone took when they saw OP's girlfriend kissing another person at a party or something. It could be a picture of her a number of possible sexual acts to someone other than OP that that person took, and it found its way to OP or something like that. As the person said above, it could be sexts/incriminating texts between OP's girlfriend and someone else that were captured and sent to OP.

She has someone else's penis in her mouth maybe?

Well I guess we know what was more important

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Well 4th season was probably one of the best with trinity killer.

middlenamefrank 8

Eh, I never was a big fan of the Trinity killer story arc. To me, the series peaked in the second season, leveled off with the Jimmy Smits character, stayed pretty consistently good, but then crashed on the rocks when they introduced Hannah McKay in season 7. I've always been a huge Charlotte Rampling fan, and I wish they'd handled her character better in the last season. They should have made her into a sociopathic CREATOR of serial killers, including Dexter -- imagine how epic that would have been!

If you REALLY want to get over her, watch the Heroes finale and Lost finale; you won't have time to think about her after that.

Don't get me started on the heroes finale that was cruel what they did

Or just watch land of the lost and never have to do anything because you'll have committed suicide by the end of the first episode.

rumor has it they are bring heroes back while for lost well the writers were lost in weed and jack when they wrote that finale

They are actually bringing heroes back. So we can all forget that disappointing last season.

who's to say it's going to be better when it comes back? Just like futurama...

I went away for camp when they showed a marathon of all of the seasons before the finale of Heroes. I recorded six episodes before said finale, got home, watched them and then proceeded to flip Army Tanks in a fit of a Godzilla-Like rage quit. They plan to do a recap of the show but I feel like the actors who played in the show were so good that the new cast for the show will make me LOATHE the idea of having super-powers.

I might be alone here, but I think the lost finale was alright. It was a bit of a lazy way out for the writers but it still fit in with everything as well as they could manage after introducing 40 ******* plot twists. And admit it. You cried. I cried. We all shared a moment there.

Or maybe, breaking bad? It's just to good!

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Maybe he was invested in the relationship, but suspected that she was cheating. He expected more out of Dexter and was let down, but just had his suspicions confirmed with his girlfriend. He was likely disappointed; but expected it.

Dexter is NOT a bad television show. YDI!

You obviously haven't seen the finale of dexter

Whole final season was awful. They introduced a handful of New characters all of who died or were pointless (masuka's daughter).

middlenamefrank 8

I got the impression Masuka's daughter was introduced to up the gratuitous nudity quotient....too bad she didn't have much of a rack.

I think we can all agree the last 40 seconds shouldn't have happened.

tayymeds 23

Well, now you have more time to dwell on other show finales.

God, the list of horrible show finales is plentiful, OP will never have another second to spare on thoughts of his ex. Lost, Heroes, Dexter, House... It's like when a good movie has a shitty ending, except it's way worse because there's not only two hours to get invested in the characters, it's multiple years. Then to be horribly disappointed. Watch the Office finale, OP. Might cheer you up a little and remind you that all hope is not lost for series finales.

you need your priorities straightened out, but I'm sorry about the girlfriend dude :/

If she was the type to cheat, I think he had his priorities completely straight -- she wasn't worth mourning.