Let him cook

By Max - 09/04/2014 18:32 - United States

Today, due to my wife saying I never cook and that we always order pizza, I spent a good hour preparing dinner. While serving it to my kids, they started complaining. My wife told them to shut up. When she took a bite, she looked up at me, smiled, and said, "Do you, you know, want to just order pizza?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 228
You deserved it 6 078

Same thing different taste


This is why you leave the cooking to the women. We do it better, just like everything else.

flame5768 14

every single right minded feminist is shaking their heads.

Mynameislinh 24

No one can compare to the fine craftsmanship of a nice flaky crust and thinly sliced pepperoni that just fills your taste buds with flavor.

frizz101 22

When you've eaten pizza for months in a row you'll understand.

I don't even like delivery pizza, I prefer frozen or homemade.

how about Papa Murphy's Take n Bake pizza!

EndOfSekrets 13

Always listen to the wife. :P

I understand you mean well by your post, but imagine if a guy said, "you need to control your wife :P", and the amount of downvotes and angry comments that would get. idk but I just find comparisons like this interesting.

Yes, but... listening and controlling are very different things.

I would beg to differ. If he always listened to her, that would mean she's controlling him. Listening and controlling go hand in hand. Put controlling and controlling together and you've got fire flying.

I HATE!!! when people say "happy wife happy life" the couple should strive to make each other happy. If the wife always gets what she wants but the husbands needs and wants are never fulfilled that's a sad marriage!!! Honestly I'm happiest when my husband is happy. I strive to make him feel happy and fulfilled and I know he does the same. The best thing in the world is to have him embrace me and tell me how much he loves me, **** diamonds and bullshit I just want to be wanted and needed. "Happy couple, happy life"

1jordan1 11

Yeah, there are double standards out there. It can be frustrating to deal with people who unknowingly (even though it's obviously hypocritical) support them.

No. It’s her fault hecooked in the first place.

it would be funny if you were making pizza.

incoherentrmblr 21

At least she won't complain about it anymore, I hope.

Maybe she does cook but when it's OP's turn, he orders a pizza or something. At least you tried, OP. Unless you're the sort who could screw up boiling water, maybe you could do something simpler, like pasta and sauce. Oops, replied to the wrong comment, meant to do the one below.

It's pretty ingenious, actually. If he screws up cooking once, she'll never ask him to do it again. Congrats, OP; you just got yourself out of cooking duties for the rest of your marriage!

molleyla 7

In some households the wife is the one that works, and the husband acts as the stay-at-home dad. Haven't you seen the movie Grown Ups? Same case with the black guy's family. They're always complaining about his cooking also.

jazzy_123 20

believe it or not it's not uncommon. I know plenty of women who can't cook.

LoopyLuuLuu 7

the OP doesn't actually say that his wife never cooks. How do we know she doesn't cook sometimes? with my last SO, we shared cooking duties.

perhaps it's because she always cooks that she complained and wanted him to take a stab at it too

Durantye 8

Well considering how it says they always order pizza I'm going to assume this means neither of them cook.

and they got pizza in the end, too at #15

Cooking terribly to get out of cooking again... Wise man.

Devoting that much effort to get out of cooking again. It would be funny if her were that sly.

EndOfSekrets 13

At least you tried OP. You deserve that credit!

What'd you make? If it was something like spaghetti, FYL. If it was something like cow liver, YDI.

Brutal. Better luck next time, if there is a next time.