By RingofFire - 03/06/2016 23:23 - United States - Edenville

Today, I was standing on the patio when one of my upstairs neighbors threw a cigarette butt over the balcony. It landed on my head and burned some of my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 295
You deserved it 1 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I bet you look smoking hot now.

Next time they're out smoking on their patio, throw a bucket of water up to them and scream something about how smoking kills.


Well, I bet you look smoking hot now.

Next time they're out smoking on their patio, throw a bucket of water up to them and scream something about how smoking kills.

theblondeone 16

I would mention it to the landlord. I'm sure they wouldn't be thrilled about a tenant littering on their property as opposed to disposing of their butts properly.

Not just littering, but also posing a fire hazard.

Is that something I should be concerned about happening while I'm on my patio? Am I supposed to be participating in this human defecation throwing? Why have I not been told this sooner?

It would have been impressive if it was one of your downstair neighbors

I usually hate when people get at people for smoking, because usually it's a stupid mistake that they regret which they can't stop. But in this case the neighbour is a major ass for discarding it improperly.

agreed. I'm a smoker, but if you ever throw any ting away. I check if there aren't people or pets. (my window faces the balconies etc). That's just rude

You should talk to your neighbor about it. If he gets assholian about it, complain to the landlord/rental office.