Emo phase

By Anizzaf - 27/01/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I picked up my cat and he went wild because I didn't know he was sleeping. I ended with with several cuts, and one on my wrist. Later, a kid in my high school saw my wrist and told my guidance counselor, who told my parents. Now everyone thinks I'm either a liar, attention whore, or emo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 251
You deserved it 3 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't just take that from people. You can use this and call it your own: "Shut the **** up. I don't care what you THINK you know. You probably don't even really care; if you did, you'd believe me when I tell you that it was the ******* cat. No. You just want to act like a big fat ******* saint so you can bask in your own self-satisfaction and tell everyone how you were nice to the lowly, pitiful cutter. Get off your God-damned pedastal and go die in a fire you sanctimonious ****."

this has happened to me before - all my friends think I'm a cutter. Cuts went real deep and i'm permanently scarred!


this has happened to me before - all my friends think I'm a cutter. Cuts went real deep and i'm permanently scarred!

Same! Mine went from my wrist to my elbow - I had to wear long sleeves for a while...

Ha ha, I feel your pain. I recently put my hand through a glass window cutting up my wrist pretty badly. Everyone thinks I tried to cut my wrists and get really really awkward when I mention it. Next person who asks me 'how I am' with that awkward/sympathetic tone of voice I'm going to mess with them and tell them I did try cut my wrists, I hate life and I want to die. That'll **** with them!

I did cut my wrist before, and the guidence cousler like hunted and stalked me down and caught me. I haven't told anyone because it's embarassing

FreshSalad 1

#3 -Sympathetic Tone- How are you?

one time i was making cookies with those aluminum cookie sheets that you can just throw away afterwards if you need to, but they're super flimsy. so as i was taking one of the oven, the pan flopped around a bunch and ended up overshooting the hot mitts and giving me some lovely burns a little above my wrists. everyone thought i'd been cutting, but then i just started every conversation with that story for a while and beat them to the punchline.

tiki_92090 0

OMG That happened to me too! With my cat Vampire! I was really tired and my teacher thought I had blood loss! hee hee...sry.. :)

sunshinegirl_fml 0

hahaha, wow. that's really funnnyyy.

Don't just take that from people. You can use this and call it your own: "Shut the **** up. I don't care what you THINK you know. You probably don't even really care; if you did, you'd believe me when I tell you that it was the ******* cat. No. You just want to act like a big fat ******* saint so you can bask in your own self-satisfaction and tell everyone how you were nice to the lowly, pitiful cutter. Get off your God-damned pedastal and go die in a fire you sanctimonious ****."

Link5794 18

Better ending: How's the weather up there on your high horse?

TheDoctor10 28

This is the best thing on the Internet.

i hate people that call other people emo, mainly because it is a music style. thats like me calling them 'hip-hop'

Bahaha I did that once. Someone said I was emo and I was like, "Yeah? Well, you're pop! Ha!" XDD It's hilarious to **** with people like that.

Actually emo is short for emotional. So it can refer to emotional people or emotional music.

#10: awesome. Oh I feel your pain, not only because you are now labeled a "cutter", but because that cat scratch must have hurt! Cats are just the best sometimes.

quincysneighbor3 0

just because you cut doesn't mean you're emo. geez the world is so stereotypical.

singer101 0

for real. like, this is a real issue, not just something "emo kids" do

Maybe if they didn't cut in the first place, people wouldn't label them emo. Which, in my opinion, I think they try to get that label for attention.

RickyMichelle 7

#59 it isn't a way to get attention. I would know, I've had to help a friend through when I caught her sliding the blade across her wrist. Her exact words are "It's a bliss. An escape from the world I live in. A way to make me feel alive again." If it were a cry for attention, they wouldn't hide it either. And people don't choose to be called a specific stereotype either. The stereotype comes with whatever they wear, and act like.

its not really a "real issue," its just that kids are not being parented correctly and taught how to deal with things that suck. destroying your arm solves nothing and the only "issue" is that people don't realize this.

It is a real issue. How can you say "they don't know how to deal with things," and then say that isn't a real problem? It isn't about parenting, it's a mental health problem, and that can effect anyone regardless of parenting style. People use cutting as a way to try and cope with the strong emotions. They don't know how to deal with their emotional pain, so they turn it into physical pain as a way to get relief. Some also have impulse control issues and feel the need to take unnecessary risks. It might not solve anything, but to a cutter, it feels like it helps, so this needs to be replaced with better coping methods and different activities that give that kind of release. There's many reasons people cut, and it's because of mental health, which needs support and help, not a brush off of "it's not a real issue."

That's funny, I used to cut my wrists and the only person who noticed didn't do anything about it. At least someone's there for you, don't have to be grouchy for that.

cstekk 0

agreed. it's better to receive some sympathy rather than no one give a **** even if it is from the cat. if they told the guidance counselor then must care.