By Anonymous - 16/07/2009 05:32 - United States
Top comments
dude... sue their ass. hopefully you got the plate #, b/c not only did they hit you, but they hit you on the sidewalk. were they drunk driving!?!? who the **** does that!
lol ******* drunk drivers... i mean how stupid can u get.
guys just saying, he said he learned that walking on the side walk doesnt mean you wont get hit by a car. HE LEARNED IT, its not saying that he did get hit by a car.
and HOW do you think he learned it? by GETTING HIT BY A CAR, dumbass.
the illustration made me LOL
I do =D
i love that it's a camaro, bumble-bee style!
By the looks of it coming out of the wall, it is hunting the OP.
LMFAO #85's response completes my life.
anyone who thinks that they had to have gotten hit by a car for it to be an fml is a dumbass a lot of other fml's on here aren't really fml material because they deserve it or something else like obsessing over small insignificant things like who wins a "reality show" but their lives are probably better than most people's lives so this fml may or may not be a real fml because they didn't get hit by that car but please don't automatically assume that anyone who thinks it isn't an fml is a dumbass edit: and seeing someone else get hit by a car can also be traumatizing
i know its stupid dont drink drive you might spill some
But it's funnier this way.
Hahaha! I love the transformers comments!
why are there lines coming out of his eyes??
im thinkin the same thing #233.. wtf is the lines coming from his eyes???
the lines are the optic nerves connecting the eyes to the brain, people. And I loved the comment about Shia not taking Bumblebee to college. haha.
what the **** are those things coming out of his eyes??
#105!!!! hahahaha i love your comment "la-la- SMACK" BWHAHAHA sooooo funny...... why are there strings coming out of the guys head in the pic?
I know right?! That's exactly what i thought when i saw it! Transformers, it's totally epic XD
I smell a lawsuit in your favor.
I smell it aswell.
I smell what the rock is cooking.... >.>
I can already taste it
i smell pizza
I smell pizza ^^
I smell your mum.
is that what that fish smell is?? eww
HA i love this.
That's what she smelled!
i smell more spamm replys
I agree with #150 And I bet the person was either drunk or shouldn't be driving so sue his/her ASS!
i dont kno about yall but i smell pie :s
I smell Deja Vu, this happened to my friend, except, it actually came out of the building and kept on driving. I have no freaking idea what happened to him, but he got knocked out and needed 20+ stitches.
i smell... wait, what are the string thingies on the comic guys head? ipod headphones?
I smell an idiot.
Umm... I don't smell anything... Why am I always left out???
lmfao, #249 = Win (and so does Nirvana) Love that comment =]
Aussies say mum too :)
Personally, I smell teen spirit. Take that, #262. And OP, FYL, dude. That would be terrible. I hope you're okay.
I smell BACON!!!! :))
**** you!
omg. o_o
Hallo, troll.
Move bitch.. get out the way
They were on the sidewalk....where the hell were they suppose to go?
nice one #6. very lulz.
maryland drivers tend to be freaking crazy so i can see this happening (having grown up in that state it's likely, they were trying to pass someone or something equally stupid.) i hope you or someone nearby got a license plate number. Also i hope you didn't get badly injured from it.
2 Years ago, I would have thought you were kidding about Maryland drivers sucking at driving. On my trip there, I saw a woman at a bus stop and I was at a red light. I saw a car speeding behind me, sure he was going to hit me. He swerved out of the way and hit the bus stop shelter full force, and I saw the blood on the window of the shelter...horrible.
o my god that sucks
try moving to Boston. worst driving in the world. just do it. it'll be funny.
L.A drivers are the worst. i know. i live here.
u know its a good sign when someone tells u to do it because it will be funny. #177.
Try moving to Montreal. My dad grew up there, and his friend's dad got a Ferrari and took my dad for a ride. They were on the highway going like 100km over the speed limit and got pulled over... Because the cop wanted to ask about the car. :P Didn't even get a ticket or a warning.
I agree with #208 New York drivers are definitely the worst. Once I was taking the airport bus home from the airport to my house, and the driver cut off this person so that they almost hit, so when we got stuck in the usual new york traffic, the guy got out of his car and started throwing rocks at the bus. and if the traffic in new york is bad, the actual drivers when they aren't stuck in traffic are so much worse.
Haha you think dats bad go visit the Philippines or come live in new York some of the craziest drivers ive ever seen in my life
Japan, you don't even know it's so frightening.
I lived in Maryland most of my life before moving to Arizona. Maryland isn't bad, Arizona is hell in the streets.
Hey if you don't like my driving get off the sidewalk /sarc
everyone has freewill, you can't control their actions, if you look deep there is something good in any situation.... I pray for you my son
ehm.... going to point this out. this comment makes like, no sense. yes, sure, there's something good in every situation... but this is, where the point is to point out the BAD in every situation...
ur a pastor on i want u as a paster.. anyone else?

dude... sue their ass. hopefully you got the plate #, b/c not only did they hit you, but they hit you on the sidewalk. were they drunk driving!?!? who the **** does that!
and HOW do you think he learned it? by GETTING HIT BY A CAR, dumbass.