Baby you can't drive my car

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Burnham

Today, I found out why my bank balance is so unusually low. It turns out that I bought a car in Indonesia. I've never been to Indonesia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 725
You deserved it 3 615

Top comments

OP just accidentally miswrote his/her address as "Indonesia" instead of "UK."


happened to me, it's the worst thing ever.

You better beat the shit outta Sandy Biggelow Patterson- thought she was in jail!

Happened to me too. Tried to withdraw £5000 when i had 10p in my account lol

They need to come up with better ways to prevent identity theft , it happens too much.

**** identity theft, out of all things to be victimized of, that's the worse. You pretty much lose everything.

I fail to see how freedom enters into this situation.

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OP just accidentally miswrote his/her address as "Indonesia" instead of "UK."

No, OP just sent his servant with a ridiculous amount of money to Indonesia to buy the car for him. What he calls unusually low amount is actually about $1000000.

Identity theft happens to the best of us...hope you get your money back.,.and maybe the car also if it's worth it...

Get your debit card cancelled, then get a new one. If the issue was not the card being stolen, find out if the car company will refund you.

Congrats on your new car! If only you knew what it was.

Well perhaps you shouldn't have bought a car there then

badluckdawson 19
assassinbanana0 20

I lost a few brain cells reading your comment Just go away You have no business here

@36, I'm glad it isn't just me who gets frustrated with so many FML members' inability to identify jokes. Downvoting people for absolutely no reason.

Those ******* Indonesians! Always asking for cars over email and being princesses and shit

Wtf im indonesian u ****** racist Just cuz some people did stupid thing then u can judge us like that

perdix 29

The good news is you won't need a taxi when you arrive, Djakarta's already there! Bon voyage, Java nice trip!

perdix 29

Lesson for the day: Nazi puns: Popular Indonesia puns: Too obscure.

rg350dx 29

Hah! I bet you did Nazi tha- *gets beaten to death by the overused pun hit squad*

perdix 29

#33, you had the Timor-ity to make such a pun! You'll regret the day your were Borneo.

PimpdaddyCJT 13

Perdix is a master of all puns.

I was going to take a Krakatoa at telling an Indonesian pun but my Papua told me not to.

Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!

Don't suffer like Jim has... For only a dollar a day, you can protect your identity...

rg350dx 29

For only an apple a too can keep the doctor away. Stop being harassed by annoying health professionals. Try Granny Smith today.

It either identity theft or you got seriously smashed went on an overnight bender ending up in Indonesia found yourself with out transport bought a car went partying through out the mean streets had a threesome then came back and forgot all about it. Now out of the two scenarios which one do you think is most likely?