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By Anonymous - 26/06/2009 14:31 - United States

Today, my brother and I were going to give our parents their anniversary gift which cost us over $3000. The gift was a trip to London in August to see a show on Michael Jackson's comeback tour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 338
You deserved it 10 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatguy7 0

That sucks, I hope you can get your money back.

lukewarmocha 0

dang that sucks. knew somebody had to post this though...


thatguy7 0

That sucks, I hope you can get your money back.

That sucks for real. R.I.P. Michael Jackson. We lost a true genius.

Kyothine 0

Don't reply to the first post to get your comment on the top, jackass. EVERYONE DOWNVOTE COMMENT 31

girandwogpig 0

lol it would suck if they just showed thriller over and over again...imagine how much money they'll lose though if everyone wants a refund.

blader0314 3

He was not a ******* rapist. Why are you criticizing a case that happened in the early '90s where he wasn't proven guilty? You people are ignorant.

blackbear6193 0

early 90's? it was 2005, and he never was convicted so anyone still going with the accusation he was a rapist/pedophile is just smearing his name to make themselves feel better. its a tragedy when anyone dies, but for the king of pop to have passed, it just blows big time. michael was one of the greats, and now he's up their with the greatest of them. R.I.P. Michael, your life's legacy will live on.

if he wasn't a rapist why did he name his house some fairy tale name, and why did he have a theme park in his back yard. MJ was an awesome artist but doesnt mean he didnt molest kids. Shit look at Kobe, he got away with rape but hes an awesome b-ball player

and for all you people saying "have some respect, we just lost an icon", think about what all the little kids he molested are feeling. and its funny cuz i never even heard of anyone talk about MJ for like a year until he died. now everyone loves him.... dam retards...

My generation is so disrespectful. Look at you talking about a dead man. Lay your accusations to rest with him! I'm not saying he was or wasn't a rapist, but he was obviously very troubled.

hmm, a guy in his late 40's buyin a theme park in his back yard when it was proven he never used it unless there was kids. nah hes not a rapist, hes just a guy who loves kids and loves grabbin his dick on stage. stupid dumbass.... alot of people name shit, but a 45+ year old man namin his house some danky ass shit like fairy tale land (or w.e he called it) is pretty suspicious, especially when he was accused of molesting kids. think before you talk shit

having a theme park doesn't prove he was a pedo, it just proves that a) he was rich and b) he wanted to re-create the childhood he missed out on. i don't know how you PROVE that he only used it when kids were there, but if that's true then i totally see why - it wouldn't be much fun going to your theme park all by yourself. btw it was called neverland, after the place in peter pan where boys go when they want to remain children forever, which was the reason he got the theme park, hung out with kids, etc. obviously i don't know whether he ever molested a child or not, but he was found not guilty and i'm sure there was a reason for that.

blader0314 3 This proves that he wasn't a rapist. The kid from the trials admitted that he lied.

DeadMansCrack 4

There was another case in the '90s but it never went to court because of LACK OF EVIDENCE. The people in the 90s and the people from 2005 are just extortionists that feed on innocent people. Michael Jackson only became strange because of physical and mental abuse he endured as a child. His skin diseases also made him self conscious and led to his BDD syndrome. A man who gave his talents to the world, multiplied with his humanitarian efforts, and a very rare, and very unfortunate disease stemming from childhood abuse does NOT deserve all of this crap he's getting. Especially because of lying lowlifes that are out for money.

@ Kyothine obviously you don't know how the interwebs work, genius. Also, who the hell cares.

Maybe the OP's parents were Michael Jackson fans which would be why they would bought the tickets in the first place. Selfish, I think not, three thousands dollars is a huge amount of money for an anniversary gift especially with the economic crisis right now. Why don't you shut the **** up and give your parents something nice before you say something like this is selfish. (It's not like you've ever spent this amount of money on ANYTHING for your parents) FYL for being a complete moron, shoot yourself for even saying that this guy is selfish.

hollysayso 0

selfish for forgetting the loss of a legend over the loss of a ******* present you *****

Perhaps - just perhaps - the OP loves his parents ? *****.

#33 you did the same thing to so stfu and go kill yourself

louie1995 0
SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Well, you just did the same thing, dumbass. Hypocrite.

I don't know, wouldn't those tickets be worth a fortune in the future?

Because he wanted to give his parents a really nice gift and he's disappointed ?

He's probably complaining because the WHOLE POINT of the trip to London was not only for sightseeing, but to see MJ. Did it ever occur to you that his parents might be huge MJ fan's? Probably not. Why don't you shut the **** up before you even type. It'd not only be beneficial to this site, but everyone around you too.

hollysayso 0
suaveneanderthal 0

lol that man lost his life and you're worried about worldly goods?? why don't you be happy to be alive? thats shitty

naja_12168 3

Repeating this to number 85. The man just DIED people. Show some respect for his mother at least; she has the ungodly task of having to bury her child, one of her youngest sons pretty soon. Have some class and show some respect. You don't have to like him to STILL show respect. He's gone now so there is no need for people to continue to be cruel. Just like the prosecutors you don't have proof to convict him. Don't believe everything you read and hear because people DO tell such lies for money. Michael was such an easy and vulnerable target too, so please stop speaking as if you know this man better than his family and please stop acting as if you know what you're talking about. The man is gone. Show some respect and move on for his mother at least. I'm just happy he's no longer on earth to read/hear these disrespectful, disgusting, rude, insensitive, and heartless comments (such as the one made by #85) about him anymore.

Meh, at least he had an interesting life. Even if I live to be 150, my life will not be nearly as interesting as his 50 short years.

anichole 0

Hey dont be an ass!!! He was a great musican, and that was alot of money!!! That really sucks for you dude!!!

#86, people die every day in the thousands (or ten thousands). The $3,000 wasted (plus more for another gift, presumably) would matter more to me than one guy dying that I didn't know personally.

Not sure it's a total lost. First, it's a free trip to Europe & second, they don't have to see MJ. To me, it's a WIN, WIN situation.

OH YES, people who got the tickets are some lucky shit man !

spinarium 2

well if they are fans of jacko then they have all the right to disregard their 3grand for their misery

Isn't that what you're doing #33?? Haha now it seems like I am, I'm not though! haha Kinda..jk :]

highlightthat 0

oh please, the music icon michael jackson was lost years ago, that's when he deserved to be mourned. the only person we lost the other day was a pasty white, noseless, messed up pedophile who hung his kid out a window. at least some little boys are safe now

e2thej 2


hoff90 0

you do know that he was claimed innocent on EVERYTHING? and that the people who claimed all that admitted that they were lying about the whole thing? seriously, he's also passed away. have some respect for the dead.

naja_12168 3

have some respect for his fans and more importantly his mother who has to deal with the unexpected pain of burrying her child soon. Have some respect and not speak ill of the dead, especially by saying b.s. you can't prove. He's gone so you can move on from such nonsense unless you get some real proof and not just some garbage you read about or saw on tv. Show respect please.

naja_12168 3

this comment is in response to poster 202.

Kyothine 0

No I didn't, you idiots. I was replying to #31 DUR HURRRR. I don't care about getting my comments to the top, but 31 replied to post 1 just to get his post on the top.

Kyothine 0

I replied for the sake of replying. 31 replied for the sake of getting his comment near the top. God you people are like YouTube users.

ndanick 4

So their prolly worth more $$ now... YAY you

No, it does not matter if he can get his money back, I'd be more dissapointed that I did not get to see a Legend perform live. At least you had a chance man. Sorry!

@ Kyothine in response to 212, 213 comments so, whats the difference? Just because its a different website does not mean every one should act differently on this site, than any other site. They post for the sake of others reading their opinion/comment, why wouldn't they want it to be read? There's nothing wrong with wanting your post at the top of the page. It's how all social media sites work pretty much (ie. digg, reddit, and now FML) Get over it.

naja_12168 3

WOW #140. I guess you were unable to deduce this on your own but his parents are Michael Jackson FANS! This is NOT a win, win situation even though they can still go to London. Wow.

There is some irony, though, that you got downvoted when trying to say "downvote this guy"... and the whole "omigosh you're a hypocrite!" thing... and... yeah.

twiggyboo 0

first of all, we dont know what happend to say that he actually touched those boys. you werent there. second, people get plastic surgery ALL THE TIME who cares that he got carried away with it, and third just because he wasnt doing as well later on in his career as he was in the beginning doesnt mean we should have 'mourned him a long time ago' because he was still making good music.

Uh. It's not like you knew the guy. Would you actually stop what you are doing to give a **** about some guy who died? That's stupid. Don't be so stupid.

twiggyboo 0

You must not realize how dumb you sound because its called mourning for the dead jackass. So what people didnt know him personally just because you dont care that he died doesnt mean other people dont.

no you're ******* stupid. it's irrational to worry about dying, because chances are ******* slim. it's MUCH more rational to think about something that really affects your life, and deal with it at the current moment. you fail.

hibarisanstr 0

Your a queer dumbass, shut up..

I agree with #156, especially the part where he says " ". Also, I love the irony of 33. "Thumb him down". lol

mtrain 0

That's a really good point!

# 202 go to hell i wish someone would say something like that about you someday when you die Have some respect!

titan90 0

YDI for spending 3000 dollars on your parents for an ANNIVERSARY, MJ tickets or not. I guess i could see it if it was 50th anny, but seeing as how you got them concert tickets I doubt that it was.

Him and his brother split the cost.

Hopefully you haven't done anything drastic with the tickets yet, 'cos apparently they're holding a tribute concert with Madonna and other ridiculously famous people performing?! Yeah. So unless your parents are just die-hard MJ fans and hate every other musical artist ever, it shouldn't turn out all that badly.

jazz419 0

i say you keep the tickets. he will be remembered as the greatest popstar. ii miss him.

I don't understand why it sucks, because it's a ******* gift to your parents, you didn't have to give them that gift, or any gift (not saying you shouldn't). So YDI for ******* giving them that gift.

misscrazygrl 0

look k mj was the best at wat he does dummy

epichamsandwich 0

Yea Michael Jackson lost his life but I would still worry a lot about the $3000 I might be losing.

kyothine, you fail. its "hurr durr" not the other way 'round

omgiitsme03 0

It's irrational to think about dying?! The chances are slim?! Are you ******* kidding me? It's a miracle anyone survives at all these days will all the things that can kill a person. You could die tomorrow. The chances are very very high. That's why everyone says to live life to the fullest and all that jazz. Seems to me like you're the moron here. ps. people mourn when famous people die dumbass. ex: John Lennon, Elvis.

I don't know why people make a big fuss over a famous persons death. Are they better then anyone else just because they are famous? No. Thousands of people die everyday, and no one makes any notice of it.

You could die yourself in this current moment, crossing the road you would not look up and down the street if you didn't care about death and then you more than likely would be dead .

Toasty283 8

You should've tried to sell those tickets. Word of advice: people are stupid. They'll buy absolutely anything to say "this is awesome" or if they're smart they would buy something, and sell it for higher. I know he's dead and all, but you can't find Michael Jackson tickets today. It's gonna be rare soon

shan789mudge 0

Well, if they can change the ticket to Austria, maybe they'll see Josef Fritzl finally having the guts to let his go children outside and play...

lukewarmocha 0

dang that sucks. knew somebody had to post this though...

Glam_fml 0

F their lives, F your lives, and most of all, F his life (or lack thereof).

Sassyangel1017 0

Wow thats really wrong of someone to say .....

nah, the world is a better place with that child molesting freak dead and gone

that_one_dude 0
friedkabob1225 0

this better get voted greatest fml of the week because honestly that SUCKKSSSS

youre probably gonna get your money back

NGM_47 0

Well they can still go, just not see MJ's it's not all bad :)

Komatose 0

Well, there's other stuff to do in London...