The long game

By Lost - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got rejected for approximately the tenth credit card I've applied for, so I called a bank to find out why. Apparently I took out a car loan in 2004 and bought a house in 2006. I was 13 in 2004. The credit report does not have any records of this. Thank you identity theft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 132
You deserved it 2 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know how it works in New York, but here each rejection costs you credit points, so you haven't been doing yourself any favours by applying so often. Then again, Identity Theft sucks, FYL

LadyKaya 0

Well, I'm sure if you tell them your age and prove it, they'll fix it...but hey, that still sucks.


Jonesy_fml 0

Did the bank who gave "you" that loan think you were a really rich 13-year-old?

HahaYDI 0

YDI for buying approximately 10 credit cards, even one is a disaster..

wow, learn to spell before you call someone an idiot you retard.

horsegirl331 6

Ur a jerk and a **** or man ***** how do u like tht a taste of ur own medican

horsegirl331 6
LadyKaya 0

Well, I'm sure if you tell them your age and prove it, they'll fix it...but hey, that still sucks.

cxal_fml 0

actually they don't. Even if you can prove identity theft, its nearly impossible to get a new social security number - which is what you need to fix your credit. 20/20 did something on this a few years ago. Its not to uncommon with estranged parents who steal their children's social security numbers (hmmm, op could this be your situation?)

I don't know how it works in New York, but here each rejection costs you credit points, so you haven't been doing yourself any favours by applying so often. Then again, Identity Theft sucks, FYL

You're only 18 and you've applied for 10 credit cards in the last year?! Wow, that is terrible for your credit too. You didn't think before doing this, OP? Here's a few tips. Next time you decide you want to open a credit account, order your credit score online from one of the three major bureaus. Then, look up online what cards you would be approved for with that score. Much less chance of getting denied.

Or just don’t get one and live within your means


it should definitely be on one of your reports...and with the who 'took out a loan on a home' thing, it should be easy to track that person down and get your credit back

i like how thirteen trolls said it was her fault

Serving chowder?? Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrf *vomits*!

bballbraceface33 0

HAHA but you can easily prove it wasn't you!

id check with your parents, if they had shitty credit they might have used your name when you were younger, i doubt any one else would be able to get your info at that age

magicsparrow 0

This is most likely what happened. B/c you simply cannot buy a house with just a 13yo's name & SSN. Sorry.

boatkicker 4

Actually yes you can. I 'bought' a house when i was 8, and another when i was 14. Thankfully mine were both paid off quickly, and later sold again. Anyone can do whatever with the information if they're given it, and an unfortunate number of places don't even look at age. If the name and social are right, they go for it.

Hermyoni 0

I agree with #8 could of been someone in your family be prepared for that. My husbands mother did that to him and it wasn't til we got married that he even noticed since he had never pulled his credit report since he knew he always paid everything on time.

Yeah my Dad has bank accounts and all sorts of stuff in my name which I only just found out about. They're not for my use, it's so he can save money because the bank won't take interest since I'm too young. Ass.