By Anonymous - 19/01/2010 19:26 - United States

Today, I sent my boss a link to a website I thought would answer a simple question she'd asked. Turns out, yes, the site did answer her question, but it also had some very suggestive ads on it. Apparently I'm the only person in the office who uses adblock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 243
You deserved it 3 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saranottelling 7

The website the OP sent her boss to had some nasty ads (Probably for **** websites or something similar.) The OP didn't know though because she has adblock (which meant she couldn't see the nasty ads)

Ahaha. Adblock is one of the first things to go on when I help people with their internet. Oh well. No harm done hopefully OP. Those ads switch out everywhere like crazy.


Let me guess, the suggestive ads were women showing their body parts along with the word 'Evony' FREE FOREVAR!!!!! Edit: Look! there's an Evony ad right above us! HAHAHA

Play for free, my lord! Plants vs Zombies made an anti Evony ad campaign. Go check it out, funny stuff.

KEK! Freeze, that was hilarious, thanks for telling me about that :]

Lmao, I hate those evony ads, too. I'm on a random page and it's there....then my parents walk in...

tangerine_12 0

yeah, i actually dont see what a woman in underwear has anything to do with that game.

What's wrong with women in underwear?

well, nerds play games... most nerds = men... men

Nic_hole 0

people will think I'm stupid for this but I'm not sure I get it?? please explain :/

saranottelling 7

The website the OP sent her boss to had some nasty ads (Probably for **** websites or something similar.) The OP didn't know though because she has adblock (which meant she couldn't see the nasty ads)

SarahSehhati 40

Thank you. I didn't get it either. So don't feel dumb #5 :)

Grey123 0

fail... why the hell do people always brag about being first? nobody cares.

#6 is right, first people are more annoying than trolls. And to the OP, I can't really choose YDI or FYL on this one, I dunno why. What was the question?

Crasken 0

not most of the time, they aren't...

today, while trying to be romantic, i attempted to kiss her...missed, dropped her glasses, we both bent over to pick em up., i stepped on them... >.>

Ahaha. Adblock is one of the first things to go on when I help people with their internet. Oh well. No harm done hopefully OP. Those ads switch out everywhere like crazy.