By wrecked - 09/06/2014 21:03 - United States

Today, I ran into my girlfriend by chance while out shopping. She looked different than usual. Maybe it was the wedding ring she was wearing, or how she had her arm around another gentleman, gee, I don't know. That's two years of my life wasted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 353
You deserved it 5 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be happy you don't have to deal with such trash anymore. Sorry though, OP. You should have let the man know what trash she is too!

let the man know you were her boyfriend hopefully he dumps her and you dump her then she doesn't have anyone


That's low. Hopefully your time was not wasted OP, I'm sure there must have been some really good times with her. Everyone deserves better, hope that you are not too hurt.

Well, you can ruin her life if it makes you feel better

I'm seriously wondering how she got away with this for 2 years...

Obviously the husband dint really care alot about her too. Or she just has a lot of excuses.

I feel for you OP. My moms long time boyfriend, five years, turned out to have been married the entire time. We went on family vacations with his kid, spent holidays together, they went to work functions together at both their jobs, adopted two cats together, and lives together for two years. He even had phony divorce papers. My mom busted him when she went to renew her car insurance without him (she's a little ditzy and doesn't keep up with that very well, so he'd normally handled it) and they asked about his wife's truck.

That's so sad. What a horrible guy! Whenever I hear stories like this I wonder aren't they exhausted from keeping up the charade and going out all the time with the different women? It always amazes me that they last so long.

Sounds more like married but split just not divorced in your case.

I'd make sure her knew who I was and that she's a cheating jerk!

How did she hold up a marriage for 2 whole years when she was with, maybe a year is a bit understandable but 2.. :3

Just because marriage didn't work out for you doesn't mean it doesn't work out for others. My parents got married at 19 and they've been together for 37 years and are still crazy in love. There are many other marriages I know that have lasted just as long if not longer. No reason to claim that people that believe in marriage are "dewy-eyed teens" or go crapping on the "institution."

Axel5238 29

I'm sorry to hear that about the OP, but there had to have been red flags in that time frame at some point. Most aren't as clever or sneaky as they believe themselves to be.

I hope her husband gets to know about this, so that he can also drop that lying bitch

Denise1988 13

I'd say you're getting more negative votes from people in legitimately happy marriages. You sound bitter and pessimistic, no wonder it didn't work out. Don't clump your failure in with the successful marriages of others.