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If you have the ability to help someone, then you have the responsibility

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Captaincola's favorite FMLs

retromermaid tells us more.

Update: I have started the plan today, and it's been a great workout and a good meal plan so far. Thanks for the support and laughs!

rugener92 tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here... Didn't really expect this to get published, just a casual 'I could tell this story' thought. Basically I was remembering childhood stories and this is one of them (as so people asked how old my sister was) This was about 10 years ago now, my sister was 7 and I was 11. Recognising it was my dad was never the issue as he was wearing a hoodie! and it wasn't a crowbar, it was basically a pole with a hook on it, we use it to open the hatch for the loft/attic as no one can reach it (me and my dad are 6ft so it's pretty high up' My dads reaction was something along the lines of 'Oh 'ello son, what are you doing with that pole?' - nearly splatting your head, dad, you sneaky dick! and about other burglary and death exclamations my neighbourhood was lovely when I was young, but recently has gone way downhill and has suddenly become the attack, drunk and drug capital street of the town so would be more likely to get ACTUALLY robbed now. I've been bottled twice by the same person at the same event two years running next to my house when there were police there and as the police can't control this gang of about 40 they leave it... anyway! Hope this answered some burning questions and I intend to remember some more stories like this soon!