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The rules are the rules

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You have left your thumbprint on 2500 comments.

The return of the thumb

You have thumbed 5000 comments.

I'm an early bird, but no worm yet

You commented on an FML between 6 and 7 a.m.

Night owl

You commented on an FML between 1 and 3 a.m.


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You have voted "You deserved it" over 100 times.

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50 quality comments

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You’ve used your thumb on 1000 comments.

100 kick-ass comments

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I agree, my mouse works.

200 "I agree" votes is a good start.


See, son, moderating FMLs is like a marathon.

Keen reader – Level: godlike ninja

You have voted for 100% of the entire collection of FMLs to date.

Keen reader – Level: master ninja

You have voted for 50% of the entire collection of FMLs to date.

Keen reader – Level: student ninja

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50 favorites

Love knows no boundaries. You’ve already added 50 FMLs to your favourites list!

YDI Master

You made your 500th "You deserved it" vote.

One more and it's business time

You've received 68 Hugs on your profile. Kinky.

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Glabberfasted's favorite FMLs

Emliy tells us more.

Emliy 2

Hey guys, I'm the OP. To clear a few things up, he didn't exactly ruin the wedding. He and I have always been able to joke back and forth, and quoting shows in fitting situations is almost like a contest to us, to see who can quote a show or movie that matches the situation the fastest and the best. Before the wedding, I was winning at this game, and he saw our wedding as the PERFECT opportunity to take the lead. This wouldn't have been so bad if I wasn't visibly shaking and feeling like I was about the puke throughout the whole ceremony. Don't get me wrong, I love him with all my heart and knew it was the right decision to marry him, but I was still a bundle of nerves. So when he said "Rachel," I immediately burst into tears, because my immediate thought was he was either cheating on me or in love with someone else (I knew the Friends quote, but when you're that invested in what's happening around you, your first thought isn't exactly going to be Ross Geller). So I guess I technically ruined the wedding a little more than him with my horrible sobbing that wouldn't stop even after I had forgiven him... After I calmed down, we went through with the rest of the ceremony. No slaps across the face, no leaving at the altar. We've been together since 8th grade, so I wasn't about to leave him after over 12 years of nothing but love and care.