By Anonymous - 23/02/2011 16:04 - United States

Today, I had to spend all of my money on textbooks even though my refrigerator is empty. Starving and frustrated, I called home to ask for money for groceries. My mom told me I could afford to skip a few meals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 563
You deserved it 5 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FajitaFreak 3

Your mom and dad brought you into this world. I don't understand the mentality that they don't owe you anything. Yes, you are sentient and capable of taking care of yourself most of the time, but everyone needs help now and again. You would not exist if not for your parents, which is a good thing when things are good in life, but ******* horrible when things go wrong. I've been homeless and starving and without hope. It's not something I'd wish on my worse enemy.


a_lenzmeier 11

boo freakin hoo. welcome to the world. there are times in life where you'll have to choose between to seemingly important items. think it over, make your decision, and don't cry about the consequences.

tans_fml 0

get food stamps. unemployed & college age will usually get you $200/ month even if your parents pay other expenses...well worth the dastardly application process to not live on ramen & become bloated from sodium, anemic, malnourished or all three!

In my state, if you're in school, you have to work at least 20 hours a week to qualify for food stamps. Not sure what the OP's job situation is but if I worked 20 hours a week, I wouldn't need food stamps. (I'm not on FS, I learned to budget.)

leo42_fml 0

gosh... some of you people are complete assholes... fyl! for real have some compassion for once. maybe they aren't like you and can't work and study...

Skipping meals is the worst way to lose weight, your mom is highly misinformed

well ur mom is very mean I mean when I'm at college my mom brings me food all the time that sucks for u though

beocA 3

My mom stopped helping me out with rent and I've been pulling through by using my extra scholarship money to pay my rent. I can barely afford 2 meals a day. Now I'm severely anemic with hemoglobin level at 4g/dL. She agreed two weeks ago to send me $50 a month for food. FML

afl2383 0

Aww, your mom is making you grow up. Be a man find a job and feed yourself.

this is why the pimp slap was invented... GO SMACK SOME SENSE INTO YO MAMA.