By joybirdnot_13 - 08/07/2009 12:08 - United States

Today, I was working at the mall as the girl that stands around giving out samples of the foods. This guy came up to me and we were flirting for at least 30 mins. With the tray in one hand, I gave him my cell to put his number in it. He ran away with my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 297
You deserved it 47 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Inked2009 0

YDI for handing your cellphone to someone you didn't know.


AndelleRae 9

FYL, and YDI. Sucks that you lost your phone, but YDI for flirting while you were supposed to be working, and for handing some random guy your phone. Why do people steal phones in the first place? It's not like you can do a whole lot with a phone that's activated. If a phone is stolen, you call your provider, and they track your number and see if anyone is using it or whatever.

fake obviously. you obviously would've chased him or somebody would've saw and chased him. nice try woman

thisishilarious 0

haha youre dumb, and 78 is a tool and a half. i woulda stole your phone too

You're supposed to ASK them there number not male them put it on your phone.

If you were holding the tray in one hand, why couldn't you type in his number yourself with your free hand? Duhh

You couldn't have just asked him for his number and typed it with one hand?

Should have chased that ass hole.. threw the samples as ammo. When he slowed down from the food thrown at him... (sometimes they do slow down.. i dunno y) grab the tray and wack the hell out of him. If security comes.. say he touched u and stole ur phone... Phone is in his hands... who would the security believe more.

haha! You got what you deserved. Dumb bitch.