By joybirdnot_13 - 08/07/2009 12:08 - United States

Today, I was working at the mall as the girl that stands around giving out samples of the foods. This guy came up to me and we were flirting for at least 30 mins. With the tray in one hand, I gave him my cell to put his number in it. He ran away with my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 297
You deserved it 47 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Inked2009 0

YDI for handing your cellphone to someone you didn't know.


ChaseVoid 6

The same thing happened with me too. but only my Date took and ran away with it. it was my first time meeting him. TT__TT

christopherlove 0

He'd rather have your phone than a date! He must be a compulsive thief.

and that's why you let him write his # on a piece of paper

Microsoftfan 0

I have to say, that's your fault. You decided to begin to flirt with him, and you decided to give him your phone, you didn't even try to write down your number. I gotta say, that's not very smart.

Killakamikaze27 0

YDI. Have him tell you his number and then you put it in

Ah, a gentleman thief. No wonder his roguish looks attracted you. :P

if u could pull out ur phone then u could have entered in tge digits to! sorry tho that is not cool!