By 44haley44 - 12/07/2011 17:25 - United States

Today, I woke up to my pants off and my vibrator still on. I fell asleep masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 728
You deserved it 57 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kraine0712 2

Wow poor vibrator. This should be the vibrators FML. Today, some chick was using me and it was going really well. Then she fell asleep with me still running, now my batteries are dead. I have a job interview tomorrow. FML.

ayooBrandon 12

I can't imagine how wet your sheets are


It must not be a very good vibrator if you were able to sleep through it. Get a refund.

The shop could sell it again if she got it refunded. Second-hand vibrator.

I can imagine it being relaxing so it's understandable if she falls asleep

sometimes we can't understand natures HUGE questions lol

If it wasn't vibrating on the OP's crotch or genital area, I'd imagine it'd just feel like a gentle massager. With a soft hum of accompanying sound. Relaxing, indeed.

Actually, if it's still going in the morning it's probably a good vibrator.

Or maybe the multiple orgasms she had caused her to pass out?

mrfluffy101 0

hey ur pretty hott we should talk some time;)

bmboente15 0

good thing it wasn't during actual sex lol

strawberrydreams 18

That must've been the best damn ****** you ever had.

Don't do that during sex... Your anus may be ripped to shreds.

alphaskater09 9

why would her anus be ripped to shreds? if her anus was getting ripped to shreds she would feel it.

last time you drink and **********.

Well at least when people say go f*ck yourself, you can say I can't.

Must've been one powerful ****** to knock you out that fast... must've had alot of wet dreams too....

Eight hundred and fifty third!!1!1! HARRRRHURR!

Must've been one powerful ****** to knock you out that fast... must've had alot of wet dreams too....