By nl4 - 01/11/2013 23:55 - Israel - Tel Aviv

Today, my family got together for a big game of paintball. My grandpa wanted to play too, but I told him he was a bit too old for such a rough sport. He joined anyway, and spent the whole 2 hours hunting my dumb ass down. I'm now in constant pain after being riddled with paintballs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 903
You deserved it 56 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

Flashbacks from 'Nam. Getcha every time.


TheDrifter 23

He didn't survive this long without learning a trick or two. Age and treachery beats youth and skill most every time.

He sure showed you! Never underestimate the "elderly."

andits 21

Haha next time be careful about your judgements on really anybody especially old people cause we don't know more than half their story

Oh good, you realized you're a dumbass without us pointing it out. Bet you wish you'd worked that out before your grandfather kicked said ass.

moral of the FML respect your grandparents

Never underestimate the experience of a wise grandpa!

AntiPrude 26

YDI, paintball is a sport for all.

Before my doc told me know, I was still playing and kicking ass days where I could barely walk. I hope to be able to play occasionally if we ever figure out what is wrong.

AntiPrude 26

Good on you for getting out there and living life, even though nature kicked you in the ass! I hope you find out too.

RedPillSucks 31

Got owned by gramps. Priceless

your grandpa's awesome. sorry OP that's rough.

Beepbeep7 14

You had that coming just for telling him he was too old.You never **** with someones age they'll call you out every time.