By FuckLife - 11/02/2012 13:41 - Australia

Today, my friend's kid chased me with a rusty, sharp tent peg and threatened to kill me. When I finally got him to calm down he ran off to his room. Later, I found the tent peg under his pillow with a note that said my name. My friend thinks it's hilarious. I am staying here for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 461
You deserved it 2 487

Same thing different taste


LiveLaughFML 10

Better yet, the last week of her life.

he sits rocking back and forth muttering "I'm gonna peg that bitch"

Get the hell out of there this sounds like the first three seconds of CSI show

Get the hell out of there... He's just going to keep it up if he's getting positive attention from his mother

bubo_fml 10

Find that tent, fashion a straight jacket out of it, bind that lil' fukka up & call the booby hatch to take him away!

Wicked361 8

If the kid is smart he will be able to get out of the strait jacket... I can

**** a straight jacket,make a noose and hang that little son of a bitch,take the body to Mexico and sell the organs!

A rusty tent peg? What the hell is that kid's problem?? A butcher's knife is much sharper.

its not murder if they die of tetanus that you "just happened" to give them

toenibbler 14

I prefer an icicle myself as it melts after the deed

Yeah that's true, but it wouldn't be fun for him if there wasn't rust going into the wound as well. For added effect he could dip it in extra hot chilli sauce before hand.

Awwww the ridiculous demented thoughts of the DocBastard... Reminds me of that one time i massacred an entire village of starving people.

Lock your door when you sleep if you have one. And when he is not in his room, sneak the peg out and get rid of it. Or maybe just be nice to him, he'll most likely change his mind.

bubo_fml 10

That lil' fukka needs to do the 'Thorazine shuffle!'

Thorazine is antipsychotic that makes people take small shuffling steps. Pretty much makes you a zombie. But I read that IV use can treat tetanus... Which OP will need if psyco boy stabs him with rusty steak