By FuckLife - 11/02/2012 13:41 - Australia

Today, my friend's kid chased me with a rusty, sharp tent peg and threatened to kill me. When I finally got him to calm down he ran off to his room. Later, I found the tent peg under his pillow with a note that said my name. My friend thinks it's hilarious. I am staying here for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 461
You deserved it 2 487

Same thing different taste


Take the tent peg and chase the kid's mother with it. At least that way you don't have to worry about setting a bad example.

thiscrazything 1

Stalker/murderer in the making.

cutiepie111 3

yikes! u need to get that kid some help

lizard399 0

Isn't her kid, so I don't see how she could.

qwertyuiop100 2

Yeah I'd sleep with my eyes open...kid has issues

If I were you I'd set up a bunch of elaborate booby traps around where I was sleeping. Nets, bear traps, that kind of stuff. That'll keep the little psycho at bay.