Happy International Workers' Day!

By engineerdude91 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized the benefits at Burger King are better than at my company. I'm an engineer, have three degrees, speak three languages fluently, and work at a multi-billion dollar company. The guy flipping burgers has better health care and more corporate 401k contributions than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 763
You deserved it 4 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

birds_fml 7

Are you stupid? The guy at BK brings home MAYBE 17k a year. I worked full time at Walgreens, and yeah, that's my yearly gross income. I actually got a paycheck of about $1000 a month. Full time. You make, what, 50k at least? That guy at BK would have to have 30k worth of benefits to even equal what you get. Get over yourself, OP. You worked hard to get where you are, and believe it or not, you're fairly compensated. If it's so bad being in your job, then why not get a job at BK? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Maybe you should apply for a job at Burger King then.


mikeike518 0

You don't want a 401k anyway. You will lose half your money to taxes when you want to access it for retirement. Roll it over into an anuity such as an indexed Universal life where your money can double in ten years and you can access 100% tax free. I work at world financial group.

Oh boohoo. The BK worker makes $6 an hour and can't afford to save for retirement and buy health insurance. You have a fancypants job title and probably make like $80,000 a year. Nobody feels bad for you.

you deserve it because you should ask your employer about the benefits package they provide. the pay may be good but I'd take slightly lower pay for better benefits. try being smart when looking for a job.

Igor_g5 0

You make more money which mean you can afford to take care of yourself. Stop crying like the french liberals.

So... You have several degrees, which all tell you to NOT spend all your money because it's there and put it into your own savings, and look for independent healthcare providers which may end up being overall cheaper than that said package? Dunno. Sounds a little too smart.

and if anyone believes that -- then . . . go to work for the king.

Narciso_fml 0

And they say anti-intellectualism is just for Republicans.