By Anonymous - 08/08/2009 09:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I flew my girlfriend to Paris for our one year anniversary. Little did I know that instead of going up the Eiffel Tower and over looking the most romantic city she would rather spend it in bed with a French man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 289
You deserved it 4 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drzhottie148 0

shit i'll leave her ass in Paris. Leave a note in the room.."try finding your way back bitch" Take all the money.

ouch, that sounds terrible, you should have flown home and left her there


flyingpan8 0

okay... are you French and is this your sly way of telling the world that you had sex with your gf..?

I'm going to say no, because he is in the UK.

glasgowsmile 0

wait you sent your gf to a different counrty by her self, your so simple minded i swear, funny though

22cute 17

Is this why Op is getting so many YDIs?? People are crazy! Obviously he flew to Paris WITH her. By "flew her to Paris" he only means he paid for the vacation.

Your fault for sending her there by herself...

Actually, I thought the same thing. Eiffel Tower is really overrated... while the French are really every bit as good and even better as said :D

lacedheadbands 0

you sent her alone? or were you guys both there and then she just left?