By Anonymous - 08/08/2009 09:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I flew my girlfriend to Paris for our one year anniversary. Little did I know that instead of going up the Eiffel Tower and over looking the most romantic city she would rather spend it in bed with a French man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 289
You deserved it 4 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drzhottie148 0

shit i'll leave her ass in Paris. Leave a note in the room.."try finding your way back bitch" Take all the money.

ouch, that sounds terrible, you should have flown home and left her there


How ironic... I´ve just watched French Kiss... But this really sux.

Xdanicat 0

You flew her to paris on your 1st anniversary?? Wow, that's really generous. Either that, or you're really rich. Still, you were thoughtful and romantic enough to do that. FYL.

Kiwi_Splash 0

Little did you know. Very sorry.

_bbailey 0

MUAHAHAHAHA now you truly know why we are one of the most hated nations in the world. FYL indeed. On an other hand and on a more serious note, YDI for sending her in what has to be the most overrated city in the world. I think it's basically just full of museums, monuments that sadly don't mean that much anymore, and obnoxious people. I don't quite hate it, but I don't get what's so appealing to it either, especially to all of you foreigners. Just saying.

please. Like you had no clue she was a **** prior to this shit. Denial!