By aherdofpigs - 02/09/2013 19:22 - United States

Today, I'm trapped in my apartment. My new cat won't let me leave. Every time I try, he blocks the door, hisses and tries to savage me. I'm my own cat's bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 080
You deserved it 21 070

Same thing different taste


I know this is never the answer but just kick it out of the damn way wear long pants and sleeves so it can't scratch your arms and legs and goodluck OP

That's a bad idea. Cats hold grudges and they are in your home at all times. They will make you regret it..

Or squirt it with water rather than kicking an animal..

Forceful love? Lure it away from the door with milk!

They do, but they really shouldn't. They're very much lactose intolerant.

Cats really know how to ruin your day. That's just how it is having a cat, he is your new master now.

This is actually probably realy helpful advice for the OP. Cats can't get over that shit.

Beepbeep7 14

Your cat has dependency issues.

What have you done to pisd it off so much? Cat grudges can last years OP. Good luck with that?

Step 1: Obtain broom. Step 2: Shove/Whack/Sweep cat out of the way. Step 3: Throw down broom, and quickly exit.

AriBunBun 7

aww man.. that'll teach me not to read all the comments before posting my own... fml.