By aherdofpigs - 02/09/2013 19:22 - United States

Today, I'm trapped in my apartment. My new cat won't let me leave. Every time I try, he blocks the door, hisses and tries to savage me. I'm my own cat's bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 080
You deserved it 21 070

Same thing different taste


A ball of yarn is the ultimate weapon in this situation! Use it wisely.

AriBunBun 7

Get a broom... they're great for herding cats around

ColbyGB 13

Just sneak out the window like the good ole days

Wow people lots of animal cruelty going on. Op just needs to get the cat some toys& or a playmate ;)

If OP got a new cat without getting it any toys prior to bringing it home then they shouldn't own a cat.

Yes, because toys are the ONLY thing a cat needs to survive... Not food or water, or a litter box, but TOYS! You can own a cat with out any toys, they usually find something to amuse themselves. For my cats it was always milk rings or a chapstick that happened to be laying around.

Well I would assume OP brought food/water bowls and a litter box home. I doubt they're that stupid. But why not be prepared with everything including treats and toys? I know when I got my cat I was super excited that I just bought everything. Plus for new cat owners (when you're uncertain what's okay for them to play with) toys would be useful.

Why assume that if someone doesn't have a toy for their animal that they shouldn't have the animal? That's just ridiculous. Toys are not the determining factor on whether you're a good owner or not. Food, attention, and veterinary care are. Toys, not the highest of priorities. The cat will not die without a toy. Your comment made it sound like someone who has a pet but no toys for that pet are participating in animal abuse...

Wow you're taking this was too seriously. My intention wasn't to say if you don't have toys that you're abusing your animal, but if OP has literally nothing to distract the cat with or any means of playing with it? Come on. This assuming its an indoor cat and needs its exercise.

True, but your pets are to thrive, not just survive and they won't always have a human around to keep them company. Don't have toys or a scratching post for your cat? Don't expect your belongings (especially furniture) to stay intact.

sometimes, sweetness adds vibe to daily stereotype life.look at her eyes n u won't think that there is a need to come out of the coop at certain point of time. :-)

When you look a cat in the eyes they take that as a sign of aggression, and permission to maul your face.

jw90 18

Pick it up by the back of it's neck and throw it in the bathroom. Then don't feed it for a few days. Maybe it'll be nicer to you.

CharresBarkrey 15

That's animal abuse. It's probably just scared because its in a new, unfamiliar place with a stranger.