By aherdofpigs - 02/09/2013 19:22 - United States

Today, I'm trapped in my apartment. My new cat won't let me leave. Every time I try, he blocks the door, hisses and tries to savage me. I'm my own cat's bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 080
You deserved it 21 070

Same thing different taste


Kick the Damn thing. Establish dominance

That only works for dogs, as they are a 'pack' animal. Dogs have a hierarchy with the alpha male at the top. Cats are self centered creatures with no regard for anything except its' own hide.

Throw a blanket over it and walk out...simple

Kick the damn thing out of the way, and I guarantee you he won't do it again.

Just go. Show it you're superior. You may get scratched, but it's going to learn who's in charge.

My cats hate the sound of a vacuum and always run away, try that next to the door. Good luck

Jbyerly 2

You do realize that is a symptom of severe separation anxiety?

ViviMage 38

Get a water bottle or spray/splash the cat

Cats have slaves, dogs have masters. The only truly affectionate & loyal breed of cat that I know of is the Siamese. Most of the time felines only show affection or give humans attention when they want something and can't do it themselves.

My cats are all very affectionate. Treat them right and they are the most loyal companions you'll ever have.

Or when they've adopted the human as their parent or child. My calico is such a baby, she freaks out when she doesn't have access to me. 'Mommy's in the shower! That's a whole room away, she's in the house, I can hear her, but I don't know exactly what she's doing, no! Meeeeeee-yuuuuuu! Meeee-yuuuu! Mee*squeak*! ' works herself into a fit. Sometimes I just spoil her and leave the bathroom door open, and she sits in front of the sink and waits happily, so she can shadow me around the house.