What do I do?

By ouch - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Charlottetown

Today, I thought maybe I should go to my doctor because my hips crack every time I take a step. But she's also my recently ex-boyfriend's mom, so I have to choose between being in constant pain or having my doctor poke at my hips while asking me why I'm no longer dating her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 993
You deserved it 6 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aly_pinay22 8

The answer is simple...get another doctor!

There's not another doctor in your town?


@All the people saying get another doctor - OP can't do that! That would make too much sense. Better to whine about it on FML instead.

It's called 'snapping hip syndrome'. I have it too, OP!

Do not go to a doctor if your hips are cracking, go to a chiropractor.

If you can find another doctor, do so. If not, you may have to suck it up and deal with the ex's mom.

deidre823 7

Just go. It's really not that big a deal.

i would find another dr. its important that you trust your dr. if you dont feel comfortable going to because she is your exes mother then dont and find a dr that will take you as a new patient.