What do I do?

By ouch - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Charlottetown

Today, I thought maybe I should go to my doctor because my hips crack every time I take a step. But she's also my recently ex-boyfriend's mom, so I have to choose between being in constant pain or having my doctor poke at my hips while asking me why I'm no longer dating her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 993
You deserved it 6 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aly_pinay22 8

The answer is simple...get another doctor!

There's not another doctor in your town?


imagineapc 11

I agree that you should find a new healthcare provider - but I think you should go see a chiropractor or massage therapist. A traditional doctor won't take the time to figure out why you're in pain, whereas a massage therapist spends at least an hour with you. I think the problem is in a joint or a ligament, and all a traditional doctor can do for you is prescribe pain killers. A chiropractor will get the bones back in place, and a massage therapist will loosen up the muscles & ligaments to help keep them in place.

Good point. A medical doctor would probably recommend you to a chiropractor for that kind of issue anyway. :)

Can you not get a new doctor? And even if you did go and see her, that is not the place for her to be talking about things like that.

YDI for being dumb enough to not think of changing doctors.

doglover100 28

I would expect some professionalism from a doctor....if there's another near by go there but honestly if there isn't, if she bring up her son/ your ex just say "it doesn't concern you and its none of your business" ( something along those lines)

KiddNYC1O 20

She'll have you using a cast and crutches just for the hell of it.

ViviMage 38

Call your insurance and ask for a new doc!

It's none of her business why you're not dating her son anymore.

Just tell her it didn't work out? That you decided to part ways mutually? There are many answers you can give her without actually even telling her the real reason. My hips used to pop out of place after I took a bad dive down a flight of stairs. 9 months in physical therapy was not fun. Just go to the doctor.