What do I do?

By ouch - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Charlottetown

Today, I thought maybe I should go to my doctor because my hips crack every time I take a step. But she's also my recently ex-boyfriend's mom, so I have to choose between being in constant pain or having my doctor poke at my hips while asking me why I'm no longer dating her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 993
You deserved it 6 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aly_pinay22 8

The answer is simple...get another doctor!

There's not another doctor in your town?


The pain of being interrogated will not last as long as your hips if you don't get them checked out. Suck it up I say, for the greater good!

Hmm or a different doctor... people on here seem to need an intellegence check every single one

Good grief. go to another Dr. problem solved.

Chris_1163187222 15

Perks of living on PEI.. everyone is related so dont stress that much

This is ridiculous. She's a dr. She's probably not that concerned with your stupid dating life. Grow up. ydi

randybryant799 20

I really don't think she's going to care about you and her kid. Or you can just get another Dr.

Wadlaen 23

I think you should go, because I think there's more benefits than dangers of unpleasantness in the situation, and something might be wrong with your hip I had my left hip replaced with titanium when I was 21, and I'm really satisfied with my new hip, so as I said: I advise you to go to the doctor.

wrecklesswfire 2