Chuds everywhere

By satanworshipper - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Hollywood

Today, I received another death threat for teaching evolution in college. I'm a geology teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 653
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously sucks to be you. Teach them not to breed to keep our gene pool healthy. UP the bum no babies class!!!

Whoever sent it is clearly still in ape-form


Death threats to teachers? I always thought sucking up to teacher would be good for my grades. Things must have changed

Rocks evolve too! As to your death threat, for your next lesson, teach the class how death is like evolving to a different state of being.

Jesus is the way! Same as flying spaghetti monsters and other such creatures...

Are you implying that Jesus is a creature ? You don't have to believe in him no one is forcing you to but you don't need to disrespect other religions.

This. The OP probably doesn't teach "Young Earth" geology.

outerspacey 2

it's sad that people can't share their beliefs with science.

44: I completely agree. These things are only incompatible if you insist on not thinking critically.

I guess I was lucky, my college geology prof not on believes in god but also evolution.

Can you believe the religious nuts that call themselves Amaricans?

seriouslythat 6

Well America has freedom of religion so why are you so surprised there are so many extremists? You can still be American and be religious I don't see how that would get in the way of being an American.

What is wrong with people? Do they even stop to think about the reason behind doing something? I assume they sent you the threats because of the assumption that evolution was an attack on their religion. Don't they see that evolution and religious creationism are not even related?

Well...they are. The world can't have gone from creation to human life in both 7 days and millions of years. You gotta pick one. :|

Evolution?? Really?? What a joke. Not saying you deserve death threats by any means, how ever thats completley stupid. If it were so we would witness this our selfs, our children would come out as apes. As anybody that researches this or teaches it, studied darwin at all??? If you have how can you say it is true when darwin himself on his deathbed said he made it all up! Has no evidence, hhhmmm teachers these days.

48, it seems like you are the one that has not evolved. Evolution takes a long time. But I get your point, according to the numerous eyewitness accounts, it is better to believe that all you need to create life is a spare rib and a little mud. You should go to this teachers' class and maybe you could learn a thing or two.

As #54 would say, I really hope you're trolling too. Darwin never rejected his own theories, I don’t know where you got that information from. Evolution is not something you see happening over night (this is not X-Men). Evolution represents very slow changes that happen over hundreds of thousands of years. You cannot see it happening over lifetime. But if you only believe what you see, I guess you don’t believe in God either? :)

Yeah, no. The "Darwin recanted" thing is a common legend trotted out. Find one reliable source that supports it.

Oh, but you can #61. Every time someone has a drug treatment and the bacteria/viruses etc come back "resistant" it is just the survival of the fittest - that tiny % that had a little resistance were selected over the others and grew & got selected again etc. Same with cancers that come back resistant to chemo' - those cells that didn't die get selected for and grow. You can't see it in humans because our generation time is so long. The point is that it has to occur over multiple generations rather than any particular period. Survival of the "fittest" can be a bugger, but there's no shortage of evidence for it. PS I also hope #48 is a troll.

RedPillSucks 31

1. Did you actually ever read Darwin, or just the religious propaganda? No where in the theory does it say humans descended from apes. It says that all primates (including apes and humans) have a common ancestor. Good Lord. 2. Evolution doesn't always take a long time. Scientists study things like fruitflies over many generations and can make observations that verify evolution.

Cassandrax731 5

#48, I don't think you know what evolution is. Please go look it up or something, because there is no way giving birth to apes would ever make sense, even in Darwin's theory. And Darwin recanting would be like the Dalai Llama (sp?) saying on his deathbed, "LOL jk I never actually believed in peace. Violence ftw!"

AngelicTide 11

I studied anthropology. Guess how many times I get asked about dinosaurs. I'm not even kidding! -_-

snowman6 4

I guess they could threaten you for teaching Old Earth Theory lol