Chuds everywhere

By satanworshipper - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Hollywood

Today, I received another death threat for teaching evolution in college. I'm a geology teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 653
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously sucks to be you. Teach them not to breed to keep our gene pool healthy. UP the bum no babies class!!!

Whoever sent it is clearly still in ape-form


Don't worry it's just another ignorant, uneducated, bigoted religious zealot. Keep teaching. Hopefully you can prevent our youth from becoming the type of person that threatens teachers for encouraging students to expand their mind beyond what the church says.

The problem is that this may be an ignorant, uneducated, bigoted religious zealot with a gun. Sadly, none of those character traits make them any less dangerous. Quite the reverse, in fact.

I would not have believed this possible in a modern civilised country. Death threats must be illegal and you should get on to the police ASAP. Don't handle the letter too much and they may be able to gather some useful information from it.

I'm Christian and I found that evolution and science strengthened my belief. Anyone who threatenes someone's life or insults them for a different opinion is not showing good moral behaviour...Christian or not.

Can you believe that 70% of the US population doesn't believe in Evolution? Like this guy. We might as well call our selves the United States of jesus christ.

Knightchaser27 25

Who or what are your sources for this information?

At one of the recent US Republican presidential primary debates, the moderator asked who of the nine-some contenders believed in evolution. None claimed to, including the current Republican nominee. Want evidence? See the C-SPAN archives for the vid.

Some people just seem to take science for granite.

darkenedone 27

Biology has no place in geology class!

Actually some of the basic principles of geology are related to evolution and biology. Charles Lyell for example used Darwin's research and theories to develop his own in his book "Principles of Geology"

Sorry the book was "The Geological Evidence of the Antiquity of Man"

zakkcarter 7

He doesnt teach evolution. He teaches geology. Nowhere does it say he teaches evolution. The death threats say he teaches evolution. Sending death threats to somebody for doing their job is messed up. Its even more stupid because they sent it to a geology teacher. Geology has nothing to do with religion.

*sigh* I've already said this but I'll repeat it just for you. Geology = study of rocks INCLUDING how they have formed and changed over MILLIONS OF YEARS. It's not quite evolution, no, but it IS against creationist beliefs.

perdix 29

People just can't stand it to hear that you believe that rocks are descended from monkeys!

Urpoppy 21

It's surprising that this world hasn't imploded on itself from sheer stupidity. Oh, I think that's what's happening now. I just hope it doesn't completely crash and burn in my lifetime.