Chuds everywhere

By satanworshipper - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Hollywood

Today, I received another death threat for teaching evolution in college. I'm a geology teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 653
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously sucks to be you. Teach them not to breed to keep our gene pool healthy. UP the bum no babies class!!!

Whoever sent it is clearly still in ape-form


shawnaishere 14

Oh oh this is a controversial topic and I see the comments being closed soon. I feel like people should not insult others due to the fact that they have different believes.

PhishloverA 14

Just laugh at those people bluffing OP

No. Any death threat should be reported to the school and the police. There are crazies with guns and bombs. (Hope you were trolling, but ...)

Lmao they confused geology with genealogy (not sure in spelling)

BubbleGrunge 18

It's really sad that , today, people still have to worry about their life because their opinion differs from someone else's. Don't worry OP, the small minded only oppress themselves!

lacespace 8

I really like that "the small minded only repress themselves"

One of the few times possible to say "Only in America" and it's actually 100% true.

Unfortunately yes youre right america is almost as radical with religion only second to the middle east but we wont admit it

Except, in America, our government isn't run by religious radicals and religious radicals who commit or threaten violence are immediately denounced by those who share their faith. Not so in the middle east. Think before you type.

A lot of people are completely missing the irony that OP got death threats for teaching something he is NOT teaching.

Geology is studying rocks - those things that have formed and changed over millions of years. OP may not be teaching evolution but s/he IS teaching against creationists.

RedPillSucks 31

Yeah. I noticed that and was confused about whether he got incorrectly sent the death threats simply because the sender didn't understand what geology is, or if he perhaps was teaching something in geology that implied the earth is older than what bible scholars think...

Yes, but that still doesn't make what he's teaching evolution. Yet further evidence of that person's stupidity... As if the death threat itself wasn't enough.

I just have to say, as a Christian woman, sorry youve gotten those threats. Anyone who does that in the name of God is not really a Christian. I must say I'm frustrated beyond belief at how many "Christians" actually do things in the name of God that goes against what he says to do. Ok I'm done. End of rant.

Wow. What jackass thumbed you down? O.o

Epikouros 31

That's how survival of the dimmest works...

Gwyddone 29

Umm... you would be better to go to the police. Sending death threats must be illegal in US, too... I think... and YLS. So many people with negative IQ...