By UniGrad2019 - 26/01/2016 04:54 - United States - Fredericksburg

Today, after months of all my friends telling me that the guy whom I was in love with most definitely held feelings for me, I was finally convinced by their words, and with confidence I went and confessed my feelings to him. I was rejected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 815
You deserved it 2 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw that sucks OP, but your friends thought he loved you too, was he leading you on or something?

Either your friends knew that I were just messing with you, or they geniunely thought it. Doesnt hurt to try.


my best friend had this happen to her today

That would have been much less embarrassing if you'd just asked him out instead of confessing your feelings.

No one loves me. I'm just going to war for people who won't give me a chance. all I want to do when I turn 18 is join the Marines and start a family

Lesson learned: Don't trust those people in that general direction...That sucks, sorry.

Some people can be easily misinterpreted. Don't blame him or your friends.

How are you 'in love' with someone you're not in a romantic relationship with???!!!

At least you won't waste your time on him anymore

What's with all these FMLS being rejected by someone they "loved" but writing the FML as if they've never spoken to them?

I've had a few situations like this, except I was the one rejecting. One time, I really liked the person and vise versa, but I didn't want to be in a relationship at the time (focusing on school). So I had to reject them. LOL

OMG I know right mine did that with a girl I like she has a girlfriend