By UniGrad2019 - 26/01/2016 04:54 - United States - Fredericksburg

Today, after months of all my friends telling me that the guy whom I was in love with most definitely held feelings for me, I was finally convinced by their words, and with confidence I went and confessed my feelings to him. I was rejected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 815
You deserved it 2 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw that sucks OP, but your friends thought he loved you too, was he leading you on or something?

Either your friends knew that I were just messing with you, or they geniunely thought it. Doesnt hurt to try.


Meh shit happens. Its just a no. Just a crush you can get over. Move on to the next one and next time don't obsess so much just ask right away.

ricolk 1

How are you in love with someone whom you are not even in a relationship with? Or was that just an exaggeration? Either way, you should be proud of yourself for confessing that you have feelings for him. That takes a lot of balls. Not many people would take that risk.

i was rejected after loving some1 for straight 7 years. From the very rejection day, I'm single. I want to move on and get interested in others but I fail to develop interest in any1....Sigh....