By Toothy_Peg - 13/06/2009 15:13 - Australia

Today, I got a meat pie for lunch. I bit into it and felt something hard. I spat it out. It was a tooth. I checked my mouth in a panic and discovered, with mixed feelings of relief and horror, that the tooth wasn’t mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 213
You deserved it 4 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

everwaiting 0

Face it, darlin', you're stuck in an on-street production of Sweeney Todd and there's no way out...

omg where did you get the meat pie? Can't you complain and get your money back or press charges? FYL


benjamingeiger 0

"Meat is a pretty large umbrella. Beef is meat. Pork is meat. Horses, monkeys, and allegedly Arby's roast beef are meat. Even Rosie O'Donnell's ball sack is meat. Okay, maybe I've gone too far. I have no idea what that is they are serving at Arby's, but you get my point." -- Steve, "The Sneeze"

Who r these people?! Sweeny todd and lovette?!

Sweeney Todd AKA Benjamin Barker is a guy who has been wronged in the past by a corrupt judge who tore apart his family and then was sent away to Australia for 15 years. he returns to London to his barber shop on fleet street and seeks revenge on Judge Turpin While he was away, a pie maker by the name of Nellie Lovett has moved in underneath his shop (2 story building with barber shop on top) and makes Meat pies "the worst pies in London". Sweeney slits customer's throats and then sends their corpses down to Mrs Lovett's basement where she takes them and grinds them up and puts their meat in her meat pies. so she makes cannibalistic meat pies and her business gets much better. so yea....

LMAO, "with mixed feelings of relief and horror". & lol @ #31

coral_loves_you 0

Thank you... I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

OH MY GOD!! so disgusting! FYL!! so horrible but the good new is that u will earn money with the tooth fairy hahah xD

It makes me so happy that many people have made the Sweeney Todd references. :) It was totally my first thought when I read this as well.

carrie84 0

Who eats a meat pie? Ydi for eating that crap.

LITTLEc0516 0
myfairyoshi_fml 0

#9 darn you bet me to it!!!!!!