By Toothy_Peg - 13/06/2009 15:13 - Australia

Today, I got a meat pie for lunch. I bit into it and felt something hard. I spat it out. It was a tooth. I checked my mouth in a panic and discovered, with mixed feelings of relief and horror, that the tooth wasn’t mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 213
You deserved it 4 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

everwaiting 0

Face it, darlin', you're stuck in an on-street production of Sweeney Todd and there's no way out...

omg where did you get the meat pie? Can't you complain and get your money back or press charges? FYL


cameo81293 0

You're name wouldn't happen to be Toby, would it?

Dumb americans meat pie was the first kind of pie and its the best

eww! make sure to complain about it & i hope you got your money back! i wouldn't eat there again!

Whisperia 0

What's with all the meat pie hate? They're delicious. Chicken pot pie... tourtiere... shephard's pie... Jamaican patties... all yummy. A lot of national cuisines have different variations of meat pies in them.

thats what you get for eating a meat pie! dumbass... Ever seen Sweeny Todd??? geez..